Fooled you! This isn’t a journal, no sir or ma’am. It’s a crass, blatant commercialism!
Just as many drug users start pushing to support their drug habit, I’ve turned to book-selling. I’ve signed up as an Amazon affiliate, which gives me a cut of any book I sell via Amazon.
So here’s the drill. Go to this URL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, and search for a book:
You only have to search, not actually buy, to test that my scripts work. Now, if you actually want to buy a book, you can do that too, but I just want to make sure my programming works in principal.
If you run into a problem, please tell me three things: The browser you’re using (include the version #), the type of computer you have (Windows / Mac) and the exact text of any error message or a description of the odd behavior.
Next time you want to buy a book from Amazon, if you use my web page to do it I’ll soon be rich with Internet dollars, how does that sound?
(If you’re feeling a little disappointed this wasn’t a real journal, I’ve got one of those on its way…)
“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”
“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”
You can scroll right easily by holding down the SHIFT key and using your scroll wheel. (Firefox users trying this will end up jumping to old Web pages until a) Firefox releases a fix, b) they change their settings like so.)