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Big Sky Sushi

posted at 11:39 pm
on Nov. 8, 2003

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Susie and I had sushi tonight with Jae and Karin.  It was at a brand new restaurant in San Dimas called Big Sky Sushi.  It was really quite good; everything we ordered was yummy, and we way way overordered, so I can assure you that we sampled a good portion of the menu.

I had cooked salmon on a bed of spinach; yum.  Jae ordered the “Big Sky Burning” which was creamy and spicy and also flaming, something you don’t see every day in a sushi restaurant.  We also had what Susie said was “the first tofu I ever ate that I liked the taste of” (in the soup).  And Karin had teriyaki, which was bland and skinless; she likes it that way.

The fish was all really fresh and the pieces were very big; as is often the case, I wish the rolls were slightly smaller so that I could close my mouth more easily when I chew.

Dessert was very very odd but good, tempura cheesecake.  With chocolate sauce.  It was a dessert that you had to mangle to eat, which is the kind I like (think sundaes and banana cream pie).  Susie also inlcudes creme brulee in that category, because you have to whack the top of it to get at the good stuff.

The restaurant has only been open a week, and Jae’s old friend Sky runs the place.  He chose san Dimas because there’s not much else in the way of sushi in San Dimas and that area.  Which is good for him, but bad for Susie and I, because it’s a long way for us to go, and if it was closer, we’d probably be real frequent customers.

Overall, I can say that we ate too much, we will go back and drink too much once they get their liquor license, and overall I recommend it highly.

Update: Oh, hey, they have a Web site!  I figured they wouldn’t because it’s so new, but it’s right here. And in the real world, it’s at 536 W. Bonita Ave, San Dimas CA 91773, in case you’re wondering.



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The Color of Ugly Money

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ONA Bound


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