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How can one pass up an opportunity like this?

Some readers of this journal are more familiar with me than others.  However, most people know I’m not much of a drinker.  So this journal, written at an absolute peak of inebriation, a virtual K2 of drunkenness, is a momentous occasion.

And how fortunate that I’ve chosen this journal to be the one that requires not just the telling of a tall tale (frequently the domain of a scribe well into his cups) but this is the journal that collates and sorts in a manner that, like the Canadian Senate, provides a “sober second glance” to legislation passed in the House.

Said another way, this journal really requires some brain juice, so what am I doing trying to write it under the influence of three “something-focchas-something,” a Hungarian mixture of wine and mineral water that is a local specialty and also, I’ve been assured, leaves no hangover whatsoever, and also a Guinness taken with the Pressflex programmers, who have never been known to refuse a cup.

Oops, had to get back in my chair. Now, on with the collation. As I said before, let me know if any of this sounds interesting.


restaurants in budapest
Sir lancelot-very trendy
-french place by french language institute fö utca (street) metro battyanyi tér (square) in Buda

Ivan likes to run 5.5 km around Margaret Island.

fertöd-castle like versailles
festetics-the noble family

s - like “sh"oe
cs - like “ch"urch
g - like d"ay”
ny - like si"gn”
ty - like “tieh”

Sopron-like Pecs
suet-the grape harvest

tokag-an area makes a sweet dessert wine

aszu - very sweet
szamorodni - sweet or dry

eger - wine area near Pecs

a ge se ge da - when someone sneezes

gozdálkoj okossan-Monopoly game - manage smartly, be industrious

hungary didn’t have banks

“the german herds came and they couldn’t stand up… (about the romans)


took long bath
what’s sanka (pizza)
picked up computer in cab w gyuri
installed windows (yeck)
talked to maria
city is busy!

sept 9
had bailey’s at nice place, but my fav was closed
stayed way late at office

sept 8


maria 388-4504

buda cargo
dead yellow plants
air france posters
coffee mugs
jingle bell cell phone
nap hotel
customs office
receipt book in safe
taxation method
dora’s umbrella adventure
metro police x 2
helpful bus people
gambling advice
famous newscaster buys a Fiat
the apple store
the office
doctor below
bbj 40 - 50 people
paprika chicken
meeting w Miklos
{details of pregnancy}
bought bananas
doing the wash?


-r u n salzberg
-hungarian polish cultural exchange center
-the mystery of starch
-seran wraped bar nuts


By bbj peter: mérlég

kafe kör—on Sas utca, ate there with Dad, good French food

Etterem—by the basilica, good bean soup, ate with Os

Arpad somthing—across the street from my place, it doesn’t get any cheaper

Greasy Chicken—tasty quick sandwiches

Ghandi—vegetarian fare, with choice of Sun or Moon plates.  Odd service arrangement—you order from the middle of the restaurant, then go sit down.

OK Italia—nice food, large portions.  The two branches have different menus (Nugati and further west by the theater.

Pinocchio—by the Margit bridge in Pest less of a line, food OK< the TV was blaring the whole time

Italian place—Rob took me there, it was a nice mafia front with very tasty tiramizu

Happy Bank—cheap fast italian dishes for lunch.  Sit on high stools.  Close to Arany Janos metro.

The market up the street from work.  Deep fried fish, potatoes, cheese, mushroom, etc. Eat standing up, and shop on your way out.

Greek place by the river—lousy service from an inexperienced waiter, but the food was OK.

Fatal—the portions here are enough to make you crawl home up Vaci utca.

Mariott hotel—Sunday buffet is 3000 forints.  Can you beat that, hell no!

Gerbeau—used to be the place to be seen, now it’s just the place to read free papers and have good coffee in an elegant setting.  On Vorosmarty square outside the metro stop.



The hungarians have a word for “consumed by love”

camel joke

amazon page

at page

feeling small


Hol volt, hol nem volt
where it was, and where it wasn’t

Es boldogan eltek, amig meg nem haltak
they lived happily, until they died




mushroom hat
postoffice package
bbj peter
napi visit
dropping the bomb v. landing on the moon
Gyuri lost his wallet
my first PHP program

[This was taken from the plaques on display in the main castle in Vienna where I went on a tour with my Dad.]

Stewards were in attendance at the Ceremony of Foot Washing on Holy Thursday, where they served the dishes of food to the elderly men and women. Their ensigne was originally a spoon and fork, however this latter (sic) evolved into a simple hoop covered with a silver tassel.

From the audio guide:
Also on display, his [Napolean’s son] beloved pet bird, a crested lark.

[This was in a room where a small stuffed crested lark sat on a perch among amazingly expensive furniture.[



Previous entry:
The Furnace Blew Up

Next entry:
How Old Men and Young Men differ


“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?




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