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Twelve Days of Christmas Food

posted at 10:38 pm
on Jan. 7, 2004

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Here are a few of the best things I ate this holiday.

  1. Caramel, so running and sticky it had to be kept in the fridge; homemade.
  2. Roast beef, larger than my head, embedded with slices of garlic, cooked to perfection, with a dribbling of juices; homemade.
  3. Caesar salad, crisp croutons, with a slight curry seasoning in the dressing. The lettuce was so fresh you could hear it crack as you dished it onto your plate.
  4. Fresh baked brownies, eaten carefully directly out of the pan
  5. Mints wrapped in bright plastic with chocolate mysteriously appearing in the middle
  6. Creamy yellow brie from a small Swiss village, warmed to room temperature and spread on wafer-thin crackers
  7. Swiss Chalet roasted chicken, falling apart like a house of cards under my fork, with lovely side dishes
  8. Home made gravlax, made by a family friend from a 15 pound Coho salmon she caught herself, cured simply with sugar, salt, dill and oil.  Aka “lox.”
  9. Lamb chops, broiled until they acquired a varnish of doneness, then left to sit until warm and juicy; sliced and served beside asparagus
  10. London broil beef cubes cooked in hot oil and served with 4 sauces (garlic, curry, pepper, steak); in a word: fondue
  11. Lasagna, Travis’ secret recipe (hint: it involves massive quantities of butter and cream and cheese and meat and tomatoes and pasta and then some more cheese)
  12. Milk and cookies.  Santa knows best.



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