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Dinner at Satima

posted at 1:12 pm
on Sep. 7, 2006

Comments: 2 so far



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Sabotage, Stupidity or Just Bad Luck?

Susie and I headed out to the li-berry last night to get some books on hold, and on the way back we stopped for dinner at a lovely new Vancouver place called Satima. We’d been interested in the restaurant for its high tea, but we hadn’t made time to go to it, so we though, hey, let’s give it a go.

Satima opened in July, I think, just West of


MacDonald on Broadway in Kitsilano.  Next time you’re looking at the Cupcake store as you drive past, look slightly to your left; there’s Satima.

They call themselves fusion cuisine (that means they have sushi) but Susie and I both had more traditional “fine dining” items. They’re offer a special tasting menu until the end of the month, four courses for $35.

Susie had beef-wrapped asparagus, which was spectacular, and I had mussels which were a delivery system for yummy garlic.  She then had French Onion soup, which I skipped.  I had a delicious pork chop and susie had halibut that was amazing.  Probably the best food we had, though, was the mashed potato puree, which had BACON in it.


My dessert was Baked Alaska, Susie had panne cotta.  Both were excellent.  Baked Alaska, by the way, is kind of a weird dessert—it’s very cold ice cream that has meringue put on it, then it’s baked, but the ice cream doesn’t melt.  Hello, X-Files!

Overall, the service was very friendly if a little hesitant, and the prices were good for the type of dining.  If you’re looking for a decent date place or a grown-up meal, I’d recommend it.  They’re also open until 11, so don’t be afraid to go late.

Oh, and I know I don’t commonly post restaurant reviews here, but my motives are simple: it’s the best restaurant of its type within walking distance, and I’d like to see it stick around.  I also think that it’s the kind of place many of you would probably like. So there you go.


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A Labour Day Weekend

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Sabotage, Stupidity or Just Bad Luck?


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