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Lukaska Visits the Vet

posted at 11:00 pm
on Dec. 2, 2004

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I Have a Short Attention Span

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Learning at the ICBC (DMV)

Today I took Lukaska to the vet.

She’s lost a lot of weight lately.  She’s gone from,
“That’s a happy cat! Cost a lot to feed her, does it?” to
“Oh, she’s so pretty! When is she due?” to
“Oh, what a sweetie! [Then ‘Ooof’ when she jumps into someone’s lap.]” to
“She looks really healthy!” to
“Have you been feeding her diet food lately?” to
“Is that Lukaska or Aimee?”

I think I noticed it more because we just got back from vacation and she was visibly lighter than when we left.  But this is simply a continuation of what we’ve been seeing for several months, namely Lukska getting narrower.  It was good at first, and assuming it’s cured soon, I think she’s probably better off now than when she was Hefty-cat.  But we decided she needed a checkup.

She’s had no symptoms other than weight loss—no change coat, color, attitude, no watery eyes or nose, no change in BM, no change in eating that I’ve noticed.  Maybe she’s doing the opposite of hibernating.  I dunno, but that’s why I went ot the vet—they know this stuff.

The veterinarian was the nicest woman, and the nicest cat clinic, the quietest and cleanest and most comfortable I’ve ever been to.  It’s the Vancouver Feline Hosiptal just south of downtown on Burrard, and I can’t recommend it enough. It’s faboo.

I brought the large and scattered folder of random cat vet visit records in case they had a question about innoculations, and the vet actually asked me if she could keep it, organize it, summarize it and return it to me on my next visit.  Uh, yeah!  Wow!

The place was warm and friendly, with a pre-visit waiting room where we were encouraged to let the cat out to sniff around.  By we, I mean Martin and I.  Susie’s crunching on a final book deadline, and Martin made an extra special effort to take my cat in this evening.  He’s a real prince, and I was very appreciative, which may have shown in my demeanour, which is why I’m almost positive they thought we were a gay couple. 😊

Lukaska was given a cat toy just for showing up (a sleeve of fabric tied in a knot with catnip inside).  Lukaska couldn’t care less, but Aimee thought it was great.

The vet took 100 ml of blood and urine, and charged us a total for the visit of about $2 / ml, and we’ll find out tomorrow just what’s wrong with Luksaka.

I’ve got my fingers crossed.



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I Have a Short Attention Span

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Learning at the ICBC (DMV)


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