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The Mono, She Got Me!

posted at 4:10 pm
on May. 17, 2009

Comments: 5 so far



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My First Burlesque Show

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I Will Never Be Bored Again

I have mono.

You might see me blogging a little more (you certainly couldn’t see me blogging less!) because I am, as of today, pretty much only able to go between couch and bed, swallow wincingly, and wish for more Neo Citron.

Susie caught mono about a month ago. So it’s pretty clear where I got it from, even though we made a real effort to not kiss, not let our toothbrushes share a glass, not share food, etc.

But obviously at least one little virus snuck through and POW! right in the kisser.

Susie was basically bed-ridden for about two and a half weeks, and is still not at 100% energy-wise.  I ended up doing a whole lot of work on her behalf and I was *totally* counting on being able to call those favors in over the next few years, but it looks like, nope, I’m going to have to lean on her immediately.

And Degan, too.  My friend Degan is living with us right now, while she transitions from her old place (she had a roommate situation that went bad in ways I don’t fully understand—but her roommate goes through new roommates about once a year) to her new place, which is going to be a single somewhat nearby.

Meanwhile, Degan’s living in our guest room and working out of our place (when the wifi works) and I feel bad because she’s running a non-zero change of getting this dread disease just by being around. Not that I’m licking doorknobs or anything, but still.

On the plus side, it’s still nice being able to give someone a place to stay and it’s nice especially to have Degan with us.  We’ve had roommates before with various family members, and it hasn’t necessarily worked out, but Susie and I are optimists, and so far, so good.

Of course, the real complication is that Susie and I are set to depart to Alaska next weekend, flying up for several days in Denali National Park, and then taking a cruise back down the coast, stopping in Skagway, Juneau, and other fun stops.

I don’t know now what’s going to happen with the trip.  All I do know, is that this is a lame way to spend a long weekend, the month of May, and my holidays. sigh.



Previous entry:
My First Burlesque Show

Next entry:
I Will Never Be Bored Again


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