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Two Nights of Dating

posted at 12:43 am
on May. 20, 2004

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Talking to the OU OJSS

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Scrooge McNep, at Your Service

Susie and I are up late again, messing around and working on facing computers like the serious geeks we are.  We’re listening to odd music mixes in iTunes.  Susie likes the songs with a good drum beat.  I like songs with stupid rhymes.

The past two nights have been fun, though the days have been a lot of hard-core Web development work.

Last night, as an anniversary treat, we drove out to Malibu around sunset, to Beau Rivage, the restaurant where we had our rehearsal dinner a little over eight years ago.  It’s been many years since our last visit—1998 if I remember correctly.

On the drive out, we spotted all the locations we’d considered and discarded when we were wedding planning.  Pepperdine’s lawn was too hard to access, the park was too windy, Oxnard was too far, etc. etc. etc.  We finally ended up having it in Venice Beach at a bed and breakfast with a nice lawn.

The food at Beau Rivage was delicious, and the problem only was not ordering too much of it.  Like, three appetizers is just silly, and we restrained ourselves.  I enjoyed the ahi steak, and Susie had a seafood linguini with so much good stuff you could barely get at the noodles.

Tonight, we went out again—I know, crazy kids, we are—this time to a concert.

I entered an promotional contest, and actually won two tickets to see Nelly Furtado at the Avalon in Hollywood.

The tickets were general admission, but the price was right.  The Avalon is tall and wide and had great sound and clear views.  There were dimly lit bar counters scattered around, and overall it was all rather civilized and hip.  The crowd was Canadian: polite, diverse and happy.

We ducked out before the encore because we were starving.  On the way home, we stopped at Wokcano for a good dinner and a bit of a flirt.  Felt like we were dating again.

Susie, it’s been a fun eight years—can’t wait to read back in the archives of this blog eight years from now after our 16th….



Previous entry:
Talking to the OU OJSS

Next entry:
Scrooge McNep, at Your Service


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