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What’s a Busy Weekend?

posted at 9:09 pm
on Jun. 19, 2006

Comments: 1 so far



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Employee 3, Day 1

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I Won’t Be Nokia’s Bitch

Well, it would go something like this:

* Wake up in Calgary, do some work remotely, drop off my Mom at North Hills Mall, go to lunch downtown with a really old friend (Ashley and her salt-flinging daughter) and a really new friend (Meike) and Susie, bien sur.

* Pick up my Mom, split up: Susie to Make One (a yarn store) and I went to the Sentry Box (Magic cards).  Guess who spent more?

* Back to the house, send Virginia out for beer while I weed the yard and wait for various old high school friends to arrive: Stone, Ryan, Deanna, Clint, Rob and Cody.  Throw a frisbee around in the large park / rainwater overflow basin behind the house.  Get a nice pair of shoes too wet.  Play “500” until someone calls “infinity” and Ryan catches it.

* Head for dinner at Original Joe’s—nope, line’s an hour long, head to Golden Dragon and spin Chinese food around on one of those big circular platforms.  Back to the house, a single game of Magic, then Virginia teaches everyone how to play hearts and my Mom decides to hold an inside mini-garage sale to get rid of several boxes of books.

* Next morning, up at 6 a.m., fly to Vancouver, meet Susie’s uncle, aunt, cousins for lunch at Olympia Greek restaurant.  We have pizza and beer.

* Get changed, head to Stanley Park Second Beach for Susie’s cousin Ginger’s wedding to Doug.  I get there an hour early because I’m the official photographer.  It is, this being Vancouver, fairly clear and sunny.

* One hour later, the wedding starts.  It’s now raining.  After the beautiful ceremony (5 bridesmaids, 5 groomsmen—6 if you include the dog, Max), we head to the lighthouse for more pictures, then the the hotel for more pictures.  (None of these pictures are from the wedding, that’ll be a different post.)

* 1 buffet, 6 speeches, 15 dances, 80 cupcakes and 700 pictures later, I head home for the evening.

* Sunday morning, get up, work on sooper secret project for great big enormous company who needs their big presentation ready by Monday.

* Head to the train station, pick up Matt (see previous post).

* Uncle David, Aunt Barbara, supertall cousin Chelsea, superwise cousin Alea, and superenergetic cousin Vic come by at 10 p.m. for white wine, cheese, Peek Freens and conversation.  We look at the wedding photos.  Bedtime happens grudgingly after midnight.  Vic is the only one still fully awake.

* I go to bed, after deleting another 42 spam messages and checking to make sure the door is locked before I head up the stairs.  Whew.


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Previous entry:
Employee 3, Day 1

Next entry:
I Won’t Be Nokia’s Bitch


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