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The Cat’s Meow

posted at 11:45 am
on Oct. 21, 2004

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Worked all day today until 7 p.m., sort of—meaning I never left the computer.  Call it work, close enough.

Susie and I went out to a (performance? panel? public interview?) of Susanna Clarke, Johanna Sinisalo and Neal Stephenson, three superb science fiction writers.

Tickets were $12—we got ours at the door at the last minute. It’s all part of the 17th annual Vancouver International Writers Festival, aka the Travis and Susie should be at every session festival.

The place was very quiet.  All three authors read sections of their work.  Quite swell.

Afterwards, we went to “The Cat’s Meow,” the restaurant next door to the Waterfront Theatre on Granville Island.

The cream of mushroom soup was earthy and rich, delicious.  Susie had pasta alfredo with shrimp that I thought was good because it was infused with bacon goodness.  I had a salmon caesar that was a) extremely salty (did they wash the lettuce in sea water?) and b) the salmon was quite dry.

Service was fine, and the waitresses were in fact the cat’s meow, so there’s truth in advertising for you right there.  There was a very long menu, mostly of drink choices, all of which sounded worth having.  Moderately noisy when were there, but it was a Thursday “student” night, whatever that means.

We walked home, which was lovely despite the light sprinkle of rain, discussing Susie’s upcoming book and book deadline all the way.

But the walk also a bit of street race towards the end because of the sudden condition of my bowels, a condition of the sort that could be brought on by salmon caesar salad, I think.  Though, who really knows.  I never like ascribing blame for intestinal protests, because you rarely ever know for sure, and some people just like to sue and all that.

Anyway, I’m all better and much lighter now.  It was a fun evening.



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