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“Never deal with roosters that look like monkeys.”

WHO: A spammer
CONTEXT: It was in the random strings of text that a spammer used to get his mail past my filters.  The full text reads:

All right. That’s a sneaky trick. That’s a sneaky trick. Maybe this will help us all in the long run.
This is the end result of a life lived without consequences. Hey - I don’t believe in telepathy. Or astrology.

Be creative. Do what you can with what you have when you have it. It’s always up in the air. I am not the wavy carpet. I am the happy kind. I don’t want to be predictable.

Okay, let’s do this right. Look, there’s something else that’s been on my mind. This is merely a stepping stone to better things. This is the end result of a life lived with consequences.

It’s all just a big joke.I had fun when we talked on Tuesday.

This is the end result of a life lived with consequences. It was my favorite thing about her. But that’s OK—lots of people feel that way. And I respect that. It’s scary, I have to admit.

It’s a question that can’t really be answered. We are clearly tending in a particular direction.

I’d rather go outside and play. They can do what they want. Never deal with roosters that look like monkeys. This is what happens:

The ratio of signal to noise has decreased significantly. I’m not sure that I have anything more to say about this.You were pretty back in the old days. There are worse things that could happen. That’s fine, though. You are precisely on the money.

It’s always up in the air. This isn’t really sustainable, but it’s better than the alternative.I’m not sure that I have anything more to say about this. All right.

posted at 10:38 pm
on Jan. 19, 2004





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