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“Brian Greene - string theory’s answer to John Cusack?”

posted at 3:06 pm
on Apr. 23, 2005

who said it?

“Don’t ever travel with your daughter.”

posted at 5:44 pm
on Apr. 20, 2005

who said it?

“I passed through L.A. on my way back home and I saw those mountains going all the way up from the sea to the sky ... Damn, I ate dinner at the Derby my first night in town.  I was going to blow my whole wallet and you know who saw me there in uniform and picked up the tab? Goddamn Clark Gable. I’m not kidding you.  I kickin’ fell in love with that place and it took me almost thirty years to see past that.”

posted at 5:42 pm
on Apr. 20, 2005

who said it?

“If you are tempted to do anything silly between now and the time of our departure, just say this to yourself two or three times: ‘If he dies, I die.’ Say it as if it were out of the Bible—because it’s that true.”

posted at 5:41 pm
on Apr. 20, 2005

who said it?

“There’s nothing more damaging to the soul than a too intense concern with other people’s sins.”

posted at 2:41 pm
on Apr. 20, 2005

who said it?

“Irresponsibility is not a sickness. It’s an art.”

posted at 12:28 am
on Apr. 8, 2005

who said it?

“A webcam is basically a light cable with a wormhole in the middle.”

posted at 10:34 pm
on Apr. 7, 2005

who said it?

“We must overcome the notion that we must be regular. It robs you of your chance to be extraordinary and leads you to the mediocre.”

posted at 6:13 pm
on Apr. 7, 2005

who said it?

“Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called conscience.”

posted at 4:10 pm
on Apr. 6, 2005

who said it?

“[The U.S. has] a criminal jury system which is superior to any in the world; and its efficiency is only marred by the difficulty of finding twelve men every day who don’t know anything and can’t read.”

posted at 3:05 pm
on Apr. 4, 2005

who said it?

“An Australian child who had three limbs severed in a freak basketball accident this week now has them all successfully reattached.”

posted at 2:41 pm
on Apr. 1, 2005

who said it?

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