Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

“For the next few days, until I launch the redesigned version of my blog, I won’t be posting.”

Please don’t send in the police to look for my body trapped under a pile of pizza boxes.

If you don’t want to miss my return, this would be a good time to sign up for automatic notification of new blog entries, either by

a) subscribing to the email newsletter list, or

b) adding the feed to your newsreader

(You can get a sneak preview of the new look here.)

posted at 2:55 am
on Jul. 16, 2005

who said it?

“Messenger’s Equation: Funerals are small if you outlive the people who would have attended.”

posted at 5:22 pm
on Jul. 7, 2005

who said it?

“Unable to turn inward, all fear turns outward, hence all the weird sects, massive door locks, religious fever, pinched, bitter, ugly faces in Florida, California, Arizona—wherever the old ones gather for dying.  Fear is resonant, he realized.  It bounces around the condominium walls, growing stronger rather than fading.  We reinforce each other’s terrors.  By guarding against assault, [we create] the fear of assault.  By speaking always of conspiracies, [we create] more fear of conspiracies.”

posted at 11:21 pm
on Jul. 3, 2005

who said it?

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