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“The summer weather is expected to last well into next week.”

posted at 2:13 am
on Jun. 29, 2008

who said it?

“Watch your step as you exit the train, and if you’re late, just remember that life is a lot like being on this train: we may not be there yet, but we’re getting there.”

posted at 9:15 am
on Jun. 25, 2008

who said it?

“There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order.”

posted at 11:48 am
on Jun. 23, 2008

who said it?

“Description: MySQL server has gone away”

posted at 10:12 pm
on Jun. 18, 2008

who said it?

“According to Golf Digest, from 1996 to 2007, Woods made $769,440,709. Golf Digest predicts that, by 2010, Woods will become the world’s first athlete to pass one billion dollars in earnings.”

posted at 1:39 pm
on Jun. 17, 2008

who said it?

“Books are burning /
In the playground /
Smell of burnt book is not unlike human hair /
I believe the printed word is more than sacred /
Beyond the gauge of good or bad”

posted at 1:07 pm
on Jun. 16, 2008

who said it?

“Electricity is of two kinds, positive and negative. The difference is, I presume, that one comes a little more expensive, but is more durable; the other is a cheaper thing, but the moths get into it.”

posted at 12:54 am
on Jun. 13, 2008

who said it?

“Update your penis”

posted at 12:26 pm
on Jun. 9, 2008

who said it?

“The older I get, the less certain I am that the events depicted in Blue Thunder actually took place.”

posted at 12:33 am
on Jun. 6, 2008

who said it?

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