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“Oh boy! Another great opportunity for personal growth!”

posted at 2:05 pm
on Jan. 25, 2012

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“I’m not bitter about what happened to me as a child, and my mother was instrumental in keeping me from being so. ... She taught me to be grateful for my life regardless of what that entailed, and that’s directly related to the image of Christ on the cross and the example of sacrifice that he gave us. What she taught me is that the deliverance God offers you from pain is not no pain—it’s that the pain is actually a gift. What’s the option? God doesn’t really give you another choice.”

posted at 3:06 pm
on Jan. 5, 2012

who said it?

After over a decade of user testing, it is clear that the way we search the web is similar to the way we would search our home for valuables as it was burning to the ground. Frantically.

posted at 12:31 pm
on Jan. 3, 2012

who said it?

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