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“With an average Thanksgiving meal, you can get almost 4,000 calories, including alcohol.”

posted at 8:05 pm
on Nov. 23, 2005

who said it?

Study: Exercise Can Add 3 Years to Life
But it’s 3 years of exercising.”

posted at 2:50 pm
on Nov. 23, 2005

who said it?

“* Slight styling on related links/ elements boxes and section box more space make look more like timeline design/more padding lighter design”

posted at 10:17 am
on Nov. 23, 2005

who said it?

“Never eat at a restaurant connected to a gas station.”

posted at 1:46 am
on Nov. 23, 2005

who said it?

“You’re not to be so blind with patriotism that you can’t face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”

posted at 10:42 am
on Nov. 22, 2005

who said it?

“IM Administrator: This IM participant is using facilities of Reed Elsevier or its affiliates (RE). RE may monitor or record IM messages per RE policies. RE doesn’t necessarily endorse Participant’s IM content.”

posted at 6:42 pm
on Nov. 21, 2005

who said it?

“I’ve come to realize that I actually have many hobbies, including Drinking Too Much Coffee (not for the amateur!), Searching for Someone to Praise Me (can sometimes take up the entire day), Staring Slack-Jawed Into Space While Thinking About That Girl in Sixth Grade (why doesn’t she show up on Google?) and, finally, the classic male pastime, Falling Asleep While Watching ESPN ‘SportsCenter.’ “

posted at 2:44 pm
on Nov. 20, 2005

who said it?

“He’s licking the glass and making obscene gestures with his hands.”

posted at 12:22 am
on Nov. 15, 2005

who said it?

“The Institute for Management Excellence (2001) suggests there are nine basic human needs: (1) security, (2) adventure, (3) freedom, (4) exchange, (5) power, (6) expansion, (7) acceptance, (8) community, and (9) expression.”

posted at 11:01 pm
on Nov. 3, 2005

who said it?

“He had no enemies, and a man without enemies usually doesn’t have any real friends, either.”

posted at 9:25 am
on Nov. 1, 2005

who said it?

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