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“The Park: An amusement park is haunted.”

posted at 6:11 pm
on Nov. 30, 2003

who said it?

“Buddy: About discovering that your wild 20s are over.”

posted at 6:05 pm
on Nov. 30, 2003

who said it?

“The Karate Dog: Cho-Cho is the world’s only fast-talkin’, car-drivin’, toga-partyin’, karate fightin’ canine. Complete.”
“Annie the Nannie: A family’s new English nanny turns out to be an orangutan.”

posted at 11:10 am
on Nov. 28, 2003

who said it?

“Good Morning, Night: A young woman conceals her terrorist identity from her new boyfriend.”

posted at 9:37 am
on Nov. 28, 2003

who said it?

“Hera Purple (Devil Godess): Detectives investigate murders committed by the godess Hera.”

posted at 12:19 am
on Nov. 28, 2003

who said it?

“When the book “The Three Marias” was published in Portugal in 1972, its authors were arrested by the authorities, on charges of “abuse of the freedom of the press” and “outrage to public decency.”

posted at 9:09 pm
on Nov. 25, 2003

who said it?

“The Mark: A curse kills everyone who meets the flesh, bones and mini-skirt ghost of Serena.”

posted at 12:33 pm
on Nov. 25, 2003

who said it?

“When You’ve Got a Hammer ... “Magma - Earth’s Molten Core: Nuclear weapons are used to seal a volcano.”
They Live Where? ... “Eruption: A volcanic eruption unleashes an alien species of fire creatures.”

posted at 6:18 pm
on Nov. 24, 2003

who said it?

“Net Games: A married man is unwittingly drawn into a voyeristic affair.”

posted at 4:30 pm
on Nov. 24, 2003

who said it?

“It’s not personal, it’s just blogging.”

posted at 11:57 am
on Nov. 22, 2003

who said it?

“On April 15, 2004, I will truthfully report to the IRS that my primary source of income is the sale of imaginary goods ...” “

posted at 4:15 pm
on Nov. 19, 2003

who said it?

“On the drive into work, I was behind a car with a personalized license”
plate. It said “BKOFCAR.”

posted at 11:35 pm
on Nov. 16, 2003

who said it?

“Congratulations, someone has just performed a “web search” at the HootingOwl Search Engine using the search term “nifty+stories” and your web site is being displayed on the first page of search results.”

posted at 11:34 pm
on Nov. 16, 2003

who said it?

“Once upon a time, at the Terminus of Next-to-all Roads, Rogue and Retrieval, two murdering wolf-bred brothers, raised a rose-red city 1/2 as old as t-t-times.”

posted at 11:33 pm
on Nov. 16, 2003

who said it?

“Kathy Was So Bad Her Mom Stopped Loving Her.”

posted at 11:32 pm
on Nov. 16, 2003

who said it?

“Subject: RE: Stop emails like this one”

posted at 11:31 pm
on Nov. 16, 2003

who said it?

“About bloggers: “They’re kind of like parasites.  They’re also kind of like editors.”

posted at 11:22 pm
on Nov. 16, 2003

who said it?

“girl “You told my cousin”
guy “Well, yeah, of course I did, I mean she’s my friend as well, and I wanted to keep things from getting out of hand, you know, before stories got around.”

posted at 11:22 pm
on Nov. 16, 2003

who said it?

“Disaster!: Spoof of big-budget action films.”

posted at 3:52 pm
on Nov. 13, 2003

who said it?

“This one’s craptastic: “I am contacting you about cross linking. I am interested in because it looks like it’s relevant to a site for which I am seeking links. The site is about laptop battery retailer that offers many different Sony batteries, which are offered at competitive prices.”  Uh…. no.”

posted at 8:26 pm
on Nov. 12, 2003

who said it?

“Woe to the person in this country who attacks the Establishment. ... His main problem is that by attacking the Establishment, he automatically becomes a member of it, and there is no greater punishment in the world.”

posted at 7:25 pm
on Nov. 10, 2003

who said it?

“I feel today’s PC is still a hobbyist tool, not yet fit for the general public.”

posted at 3:46 pm
on Nov. 6, 2003

who said it?

“MY LIFE IS A SCRIPT: A woman writes a screenplay based on the lives of her friends.”

posted at 4:35 pm
on Nov. 3, 2003

who said it?

“DEAD RUN: A fast-paced action film. (in preproduction)”

posted at 4:30 pm
on Nov. 3, 2003

who said it?

“THE FACE OF THE SERPENT: An assassin falls in love with his target and takes her under his protection.”

posted at 4:28 pm
on Nov. 3, 2003

who said it?

“LEECHES: Members of a college swim team come under attack by giant leeches that become infused with their steroids.”

posted at 4:26 pm
on Nov. 3, 2003

who said it?

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