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“Is it true that you do the art for (my favourite) band Opeth? I heard the covers are done by Travis Smith great art man I’m an artist too but thats awesome. Please email me back! Please.”

posted at 10:12 pm
on Oct. 28, 2003

who said it?

“You answer your own phones?!”

posted at 2:07 pm
on Oct. 28, 2003

who said it?

“We cannot write off that imagery is not important. It’s why in some countries, poets are thrown into prison. Words have so much power.”

posted at 10:11 pm
on Oct. 26, 2003

who said it?

“Autoreply from the Institute of Time Travel Research: I am out of the office Tuesday, Oct. 1. I will return Tuesday, Oct. 1.”

posted at 1:38 am
on Oct. 26, 2003

who said it?

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