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“Love wants everything without condition, love has no law.”

posted at 1:45 am
on Nov. 28, 2011

who said it?

“My experience is what I agree to attend to.”

posted at 11:02 am
on Nov. 16, 2011

who said it?

“Klout believes you are influential about Oatmeal.”

posted at 10:49 am
on Nov. 9, 2011

who said it?

“I say that you cannot balance the truth with falsehood, and that the rules of objectivity, as theory taught in universities and schools of journalism, promote the practice that what is published becomes, many times, the official version of events.”

posted at 10:34 am
on Nov. 9, 2011

who said it?

“Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop.”

posted at 12:45 am
on Nov. 5, 2011

who said it?

“If you allow people to fully create and tell a better story, and have your location be the setting for that story, that’s more value that goes above and beyond a pin or badge or giving a discount on your coffee. The social validation, which comes through by telling a better story, is something we see that triggers a better response. From my perspective, whether it’s a tweet, a Facebook post, post on Tumblr or a check-in, the better the story, the more social validation I receive. Social validation is the currency that transcends gender. It transcends location. It even transcends nationality, because getting feedback from friends, like “Cool story” or “wish I was there” are the feeds we see a lot of.”

posted at 5:56 pm
on Nov. 1, 2011

who said it?

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