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“Since the RIAA site seems to go down every time someone sneezes within a mile of its servers, chances are a DoS attack by MyDoom.F will have an effect on it,” “

posted at 11:56 am
on Feb. 24, 2004

who said it?

“work work work ... gay IR midterm ... ratshit mood ... evil cramps ... gayer weather still ... on a night like this one just wants to sit and stare at a slurpee machine.”

posted at 2:00 am
on Feb. 23, 2004

who said it?

“Journalism largely consists of saying ‘Lord Jones is Dead’ to people who never knew that Lord Jones was alive.”

posted at 11:45 pm
on Feb. 22, 2004

who said it?

“It is a good day to fight! It is a good day to die! Strong hearts, brave hearts to the front! Weak hearts and cowards to the rear!”

posted at 11:41 pm
on Feb. 22, 2004

who said it?

“Don’t sleep your life away.”

posted at 11:31 pm
on Feb. 22, 2004

who said it?

“People are where they are because that is exactly where they really want to be - whether they will admit that or not.”

posted at 11:26 pm
on Feb. 22, 2004

who said it?

“If everything’s under control, you’re going too slow.”

posted at 11:25 pm
on Feb. 22, 2004

who said it?

“My father spent the last 20 years of his life writing letters. If someone thanked him for a wedding present, he thanked them for thanking him and there was no end to the exchange but death.”

posted at 7:21 pm
on Feb. 12, 2004

who said it?

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