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“If God didn’t want women to be looked at, He would have made ‘em ugly—that’s reasonable, isn’t it? God isn’t a cheat; He set up the game Himself—He wouldn’t rig it so the marks can’t win, like a flat joint wheel in a town with a fix on. He wouldn’t send anyone to Hell for losing in a crooked game. All right! God wants us to be Happy and He told us how; ‘Love one another!’ ... And by ‘Love’ He didn’t mean namby-pamby old-maid love that’s scared to look up from a hymn book for fear of seeing temptation of the flesh. If God hated flesh, why did He make so much of it? ... When God told us to love, He wasn’t holding out a card on us; He meant it. Love little babies that always need changing and love strong, smelly men so that there will be more babies to love—and in between go on loving because it’s so good to love!”

posted at 11:04 pm
on Nov. 30, 2010

who said it?

” ‘I’ve been kissed by men who did a very good job. But they don’t give kissing their whole attention. They can’t. No matter how hard they try parts of their minds are on something else. Missing the last bus—or their chances of making the gal—or their own techniques in kissing—or maybe worry about jobs, money, or will husband or papa or neighbours catch on. Mike doesn’t have technique ... but when Mike misses you, he isn’t doing anything else. You’re his whole universe ... and the moment is eternal because he doesn’t have any plans and isn’t going anywhere.  Just kissing you.’ She shivered. ‘It’s overwhelming.’ “

posted at 11:04 pm
on Nov. 29, 2010

who said it?

“Now, let’s get something straight—you are not in my debt.  Impossible—because I never do anything I don’t want to. Nor does anyone, but in my case I know it.”

posted at 11:04 pm
on Nov. 28, 2010

who said it?

“Simply because an evil was inescapable was no reason to term it ‘good.’ “

posted at 11:04 pm
on Nov. 27, 2010

who said it?

“If you have more than three priorities then you don’t have any.”

posted at 12:25 pm
on Nov. 25, 2010

who said it?

“Argonne National Lab did studies in the 1950s-1960s on many generations of beagle dogs to determine if there was a safe, minimum exposure level. The theory was that radiation exposure was like chemical exposure in that at some point the dose is so low that no damage occurs. The evidence proved otherwise. Also, the damage from ionizing radiation is cumulative, so frequent or repeated exposures have much longer lasting effects.”

posted at 3:22 pm
on Nov. 24, 2010

who said it?

“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”

posted at 9:14 pm
on Nov. 12, 2010

who said it?

“Once a problem is described in sufficient detail, its solution is obvious.”

posted at 1:37 pm
on Nov. 11, 2010

who said it?

“Devote today to something so daring even you can’t believe you’re doing it.”

posted at 3:22 pm
on Nov. 9, 2010

who said it?

“We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.”

posted at 12:42 pm
on Nov. 1, 2010

who said it?

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