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“Girls are so queer you never know what they mean. They say No when they mean Yes, and drive a man out of his wits for the fun of it.”

posted at 2:34 am
on Jul. 30, 2008

who said it?

“Everything in the world began with a yes. One molecule said yes to another molecule and life was born. But before prehistory there was the prehistory of prehistory. and there was the never and there was the yes.”

posted at 2:23 am
on Jul. 30, 2008

who said it?

“What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.”

posted at 2:32 pm
on Jul. 29, 2008

who said it?

“The U.S. savings rate, which exceeded 8 percent of disposable income in 1968, stood at 0.4 percent at the end of the first quarter of this year, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis.”

posted at 9:23 am
on Jul. 28, 2008

who said it?

“The superior man contains the means in his own person. He bides his time and then acts. Why then should not everything go well? He acts and is free. Therefore all he has to do is to go forth, and he takes his quarry. This is how a man fares who acts after he has ready the means.”

posted at 12:02 pm
on Jul. 21, 2008

who said it?

“Greatness is only a matter of will.  It is the end result of patience, determination, direction and strength.”

posted at 1:23 am
on Jul. 20, 2008

who said it?

“kindergarchy n. Rule or domination by children; the belief that children’s needs and preferences take precedence over those of their parents or other adults.”

posted at 12:38 pm
on Jul. 18, 2008

who said it?

“The Northeast Blackout affected 50 million people and zero

PEER 1 customers. Find out why.”

posted at 8:33 pm
on Jul. 14, 2008

who said it?

“As in 2007, the average U.S. worker has 14 vacation days this year. Just across the Canadian border, our counterparts get an average of 17 vacation days annually. But if you want a real “vacation envy” complex, consider the vacation banks of European workers. France tops the list with an average of 37 days, followed by Italy (33 days), Spain (31), the Netherlands and Austria (28), Germany (27) and Great Britain (26). “

posted at 10:20 am
on Jul. 10, 2008

who said it?

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