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“That car ahead of us is from California, and it has dealer plates.”
“What, you mean, drug dealer?”

posted at 3:08 pm
on Aug. 28, 2006

who said it?

“Yeah, I think this mattress is less cheaper.”

posted at 3:08 pm
on Aug. 26, 2006

who said it?

“Subject: recommends Learning the bash Shell”

posted at 3:08 pm
on Aug. 25, 2006

who said it?

“From: “Rectums V. Indignity”

posted at 1:56 pm
on Aug. 14, 2006

who said it?

“There is this special biologist word we use for ‘stable’. It is ‘dead’.”

posted at 10:55 am
on Aug. 10, 2006

who said it?

“The rights of copyright holders are not infinite.  They do not extend in every direction.”

posted at 3:27 am
on Aug. 9, 2006

who said it?

“Dear Customer,
We’ve noticed that customers who have purchased “Foundation and Empire (Foundation Novels (Paperback))” by Isaac Asimov also purchased books by Gene Bouse. For this reason, you might like to know that Gene Bouse’s “Field Guide to Solids Control” will be released in paperback soon. You can pre-order your copy by following the link below. Price : $89.95”

posted at 4:10 pm
on Aug. 8, 2006

who said it?

“To do two things at once is to do neither.”

posted at 12:05 pm
on Aug. 5, 2006

who said it?

“Mission Accomplished”

posted at 7:03 am
on Aug. 4, 2006

who said it?

“The Rapture is not an exit strategy.”

posted at 11:16 pm
on Aug. 2, 2006

who said it?

“My personal philosophy is that you shouldn’t need psychoanalysis after using the bathroom.”

posted at 12:54 am
on Aug. 2, 2006

who said it?

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