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“If you would not be forgotten, As soon as you are dead and rotten, Either write things worth reading, Or do things worth the writing.”

posted at 2:07 pm
on Apr. 30, 2009

who said it?

“I cannot follow myself.”

posted at 11:47 am
on Apr. 17, 2009

who said it?

“It is the way we react to circumstances that determines our feelings.”

posted at 2:05 pm
on Apr. 8, 2009

who said it?

“The American press makes me think of a gigantic, supermodern fish cannery, a hundred floors high, capitalized at eleven billion dollars, and with tens of thousands of workers standing ready at the canning machines, but relying for its raw material on an inadequate number of handline fishermen in leaky rowboats.”

posted at 10:01 am
on Apr. 3, 2009

who said it?

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