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“Do you know what worries me?”
“Dunno… ‘Where do baby ants go to school?’ Go on.”

posted at 2:42 am
on Jul. 26, 2006

who said it?

“...[H]e was on a crusade. A crusade to take Jerusalem back from the infidel Muslims.  The Muslims, of course, considered the Christians, of which Joshua was one, the infidels, so they weren’t too keep on giving it up.  The fighting was bloody and sickening.  Carnage.  And as usual, everyone had God on their side.

posted at 2:32 pm
on Jul. 24, 2006

who said it?

“What they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit and it’s over.”

posted at 2:01 pm
on Jul. 18, 2006

who said it?

“Why working at home is so much better: There’s no line between ‘drinking on the job’ and ‘drinking on the couch.’ “

posted at 1:55 am
on Jul. 14, 2006

who said it?

“The only possible contender for box office champ against ‘Snakes on a Plane’ would be ‘Box Full of Puppies.’ “

posted at 9:24 pm
on Jul. 3, 2006

who said it?

“No matter how old I get, I never cease to be fascinated by the tiny long-lasting bubbles that float around the bowl when I pee.”

posted at 1:25 am
on Jul. 2, 2006

who said it?

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