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“When I doubt, just start writing”

posted at 3:39 am
on Apr. 30, 2004

who said it?

“Travelers have been detained and arrested by the Ecology Police in Lima for carrying such items.”

posted at 1:33 pm
on Apr. 17, 2004

who said it?

“blah blah blah zzz z z hmmm—at least lunch was free blah blah more blah blah blah God that powerpoint has small type blah blah blah b-l-a-h zzzfeedbackeeeeezzzz blah blah hey, stop whispering I’m trying to pay attention. . . . . . AAAAHHCHOOOO! oh, hey, IhaveAquestion IhaveAquestion PICKME PICKME PICKME. “Yeah, um, well, I was wondering, I mean, we’re all aware that since the beginning of the World Wide Web, or WWW, that many… blah blah ...anyway, that seems clear to me. What? My question? Oh, well, what do you think of all that?” whew. I wonder if they validate.”

posted at 2:16 am
on Apr. 17, 2004

who said it?

“Editing is a blade that cuts away the good or the bad.  Truth is the goal of the operation.”

posted at 3:49 am
on Apr. 16, 2004

who said it?

“My relationship to journalism is like that of an abused spouse.”

posted at 2:21 am
on Apr. 9, 2004

who said it?

“This is the 20th century.”
“The 20th century? Why, I could pick a century out of hat blindfolded and come up with a better one.”

posted at 12:33 am
on Apr. 8, 2004

who said it?

“...among professionals in journalism and publishing in the New York metropolitan area, who no doubt take as much Zoloft per capita as anyone on the planet, it is no small trick to find someone who is either calm or happy.”

posted at 11:23 pm
on Apr. 6, 2004

who said it?

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