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“Ethics is a branch of politics. That is to say, it is the duty of the statesman to create for the citizen the best possible opportunity for living the good life.”

posted at 10:19 pm
on May. 29, 2009

who said it?

“There is another condition of happiness; it cannot be achieved in less than a complete lifetime.”

posted at 10:19 pm
on May. 28, 2009

who said it?

“So this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I’m still trying to figure out how that could be.”

posted at 9:15 am
on May. 20, 2009

who said it?

“Beware your thoughts as they become your words. Beware your words as they become your acts. Beware your actions as they become your habits. Beware your habits as they seal your fate.”

posted at 11:39 am
on May. 16, 2009

who said it?

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”

posted at 5:36 pm
on May. 13, 2009

who said it?

“You love too hard. It occupies the center and squeezes out your strength. If you work in the center, and love to the side, you will love better in the long run, Shira. You will give more gracefully, without counting, and what you get, you will enjoy.”

posted at 3:37 pm
on May. 13, 2009

who said it?

“Love is just a chemical reaction, like the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is just paint-covered plaster…”

posted at 5:36 pm
on May. 12, 2009

who said it?

“I don’t think success changes people; I think success maximizes the truth.”

posted at 12:56 am
on May. 12, 2009

who said it?

“it’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s fake when the whole world lives in your head.”

posted at 11:31 pm
on May. 11, 2009

who said it?

“Your work is to discover your world, and then with all your heart, give yourself to it.”

posted at 12:56 am
on May. 11, 2009

who said it?

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