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Only 1 percent of all cases of ID theft [involve dumpster diving], according to a recent survey by the consulting firm Javelin Strategy & Research.  ... [D]espite the hysteria, only 29 in 1,000 people will ever get their identity stolen [by any means].”

posted at 2:45 am
on Nov. 24, 2006

who said it?

“Language was invented so people could lie to each other.”

posted at 11:21 pm
on Nov. 23, 2006

who said it?

“perfection is when you can sit down, take a deep breath, and simply sigh because you have no worries and everything in your life that you’re fond is right in front of you. within arms’s reach.”

posted at 2:22 am
on Nov. 22, 2006

who said it?

“Most of us mainstream people keep a huge tank of the stuff [hot water] in our homes, say, 30 gallons, maintained at scalding temperatures, at least 160 degrees, even when we’re out of town on a long vacation—in case we need to fly home suddenly and take a bath.”

posted at 4:10 pm
on Nov. 18, 2006

who said it?

“Hi there, is your mom or dad around?”

posted at 11:22 pm
on Nov. 14, 2006

who said it?

“Among the many things I know nothing about are computers, women, and hockey. Last night I was invited to an L.A. Kings hockey game where the other two things I know nothing about were nowhere in sight. A friend offered to teach me the sport so I figured, what the hell? It was a night out at the Staples Center and I needed more three-hole paper. The mighty Kings had lost 9 of 11 so getting tickets was not a problem. In fact, they said if we were running late, call, and they’d hold the game for us.”

posted at 11:22 pm
on Nov. 14, 2006

who said it?

“Youth is a costume.”

posted at 10:30 pm
on Nov. 9, 2006

who said it?

“Don’t you get it? If you die in Canada, you die in real life


posted at 12:58 am
on Nov. 7, 2006

who said it?

“Alkatraz is stroller-friendly.”

posted at 11:26 pm
on Nov. 5, 2006

who said it?

“If you could see yourself the way others see you, you would be amazed.”

posted at 1:59 pm
on Nov. 2, 2006

who said it?

“It’s completely harmless. It’s just cute. It’s nothing. I’m much less harmful than the average guy. I just get more pleasure out of pooping than most people do.”

posted at 6:22 pm
on Nov. 1, 2006

who said it?

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