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“I think part of a best friend’s job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.”

posted at 6:47 pm
on Sep. 29, 2009

who said it?

“When you’re through changing, you’re through.”

posted at 10:40 am
on Sep. 28, 2009

who said it?

“Success is more complex than failure.”

posted at 11:18 am
on Sep. 17, 2009

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“Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.”

posted at 11:37 am
on Sep. 15, 2009

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“Don’t wait for the home run. Don’t wait for something that knocks it out of the park. Base hits win the game.”

posted at 5:10 pm
on Sep. 14, 2009

who said it?

“Don’t find fault, find a remedy.”

posted at 11:37 am
on Sep. 14, 2009

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“The only way to have a friend is to be one.”

posted at 5:07 pm
on Sep. 12, 2009

who said it?

“But I can’t die yet! I have unsaved changes!”

posted at 2:32 pm
on Sep. 4, 2009

who said it?

“In the long run, Darwinian evolution sounds like a good idea. But like adventure, it’s better read about than experienced, because the only way it can really happen rapidly is with a high death rate.”

posted at 1:24 am
on Sep. 4, 2009

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“It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.”

posted at 3:18 pm
on Sep. 3, 2009

who said it?

“In a curious way, I find my admiration for Frost and Plath and others actually rising a little bit when I learn some contemptible details about the struggling authors. How could creatures plagued with so many obvious faults and miseries produce such beautiful, moving literature?”

posted at 12:19 pm
on Sep. 1, 2009

who said it?

“A workaround exists for using the VPN client with OpenAFS on Windows: Use the 2-Campus_VPN_Full_Tunnel profile rather than the 1-Campus_VPN one, or, if using the 1-Campus_VPN profile, change the static IP address for the Microsoft Loopback adapter to, for example, instead of since the latter IP address overlaps with one of the RFC1918 networks defined by the new split tunnel profile.”

posted at 11:32 am
on Sep. 1, 2009

who said it?

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