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“Constitutional democracy provides a guarantee that the content of the laws will be just. A large number of constitutional devices, including representative democracy, competitive and periodic elections, and a free press, are designed to ensure the just content of laws.”

posted at 9:40 am
on Jun. 30, 2005

who said it?

“People will tell you, “Reach for the stars.” That’s a prescription for self-delusion. A better idea is to reach for the low-hanging fruit that everyone left behind. Don’t wait for Mr. Right when you’ve got Mr. Reasonably Acceptable right in front of you. Scavenging has its rewards.”

posted at 7:06 pm
on Jun. 27, 2005

who said it?

“Da Vinci too knew the power of the understated smile. And he was a pretty clever fellow.”

posted at 11:17 am
on Jun. 25, 2005

who said it?

“Not all pixels are created equal.”

posted at 12:11 am
on Jun. 22, 2005

who said it?

“This auto reply was produced in a factory that also produces peanuts, almonds and other nut products.”

posted at 3:34 pm
on Jun. 21, 2005

who said it?

“Living for the moment has its rewards, but life insists on shoving us into the future. Supposedly we get wiser, and thus I’m supposed to offer advice. Usually the advice you hear at a graduation is something along the line of “climb every mountain.” I think that’s a bad idea. You need to learn to delegate. You should learn to say to people: You take that mountain, you take that other mountain, I’ll monitor the situation from headquarters.”

posted at 1:25 pm
on Jun. 18, 2005

who said it?

“What is morality?” she asked.”

“Judgement to tell right and wrong, vision to see the truth, courage to act on it, dedication to that which is good, integrity to stand by the good at any price.”

posted at 11:39 pm
on Jun. 15, 2005

who said it?

“I got a great e-mail from my friend the other day. It said, ‘Let’s steal something. Call me.’ “

posted at 10:17 pm
on Jun. 15, 2005

who said it?

“There are a lot more people in the world than there really needs to be.”

posted at 12:04 pm
on Jun. 14, 2005

who said it?

“Why do you worry so much about great men?” he asked. “What are you, a hero worshipper of some kind?”

“Mr. Taggart, what else is there to look up to?”

posted at 9:55 am
on Jun. 10, 2005

who said it?

“Once, an elderly professor of literature, Mrs. Taggart’s friend, saw [the three children] on top of a pile in a junk yard, dismantling the carcass of an automobile.  He stopped, shook his head and said to Francisco, “A young man of your position ought to spend his time in libraries, absorbing the culture of the world.” “What do you think I’m doing?” asked Francisco.”

posted at 9:36 am
on Jun. 10, 2005

who said it?

“She walked past the door of a night club. A couple came staggering out to a taxicab. The girl had blurred eyes, a perspiring face, an ermine cape and a beautiful evening gown that had slipped off one shoulder like a slovenly housewife’s bathrobe…. Her escort steered her, gripping her naked arm; his face did not have the expression of a man anticipating a romantic adventure, but the sly look of a boy out to write obscenties on fences.”

posted at 6:59 pm
on Jun. 8, 2005

who said it?

“f***ing spammers!! im angry, your blog nice but here is too many spammers”

posted at 3:20 pm
on Jun. 7, 2005

who said it?

“Having this iPod is like having a sound track to my life.”

posted at 10:15 am
on Jun. 6, 2005

who said it?

“Wherever the idea came from, the translation of human will into machine movement via a single stick may be one of the most overlooked achievements of the last 100 years.”

posted at 12:36 am
on Jun. 5, 2005

who said it?

“Because of the situation we’re in now, I would not want my son to serve,” he said. “It’s the policy that I’m against, not the military.”

posted at 7:27 pm
on Jun. 2, 2005

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