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“One scene that was added was the boxing scene where I teach a boy to box, and we punch each other in the nuts. It gave it a more commercial feel because, you know, commercial movies have a lot of nut-punching.”

posted at 6:00 pm
on Dec. 18, 2003

who said it?

“You have faith, Professor Barnhard.”
“It isn’t faith that makes good science, Mr. Klaatu, it’s curiosity.”

posted at 4:03 pm
on Dec. 13, 2003

who said it?

“The Iron Ladies II: Story of gender-bending volleyball team before it shot to stardom. Starring Chaichan Nimpoolsawasdi.”
“Cheerleader Queens: Thai ladyboys try to be accepted through their love of cheerleading. Starring Wongteap Kunarattanawat.”
“McDull—The PineApple Bun Prince: McDull’s dad dreams of his glory days as the Pineapple Prince.”

posted at 3:50 pm
on Dec. 13, 2003

who said it?

“Rose and the Snake: A man and his daughter undergo their own sexual awakening when he finds a new lover.”

posted at 1:29 am
on Dec. 5, 2003

who said it?

“Escobar: The career of drug lord Pablo Escobar.”
“Long Walk to Freedom: The biography of Nelson Mandela. In development.”

posted at 1:21 am
on Dec. 5, 2003

who said it?

“Harry Putter: An orangutan plays on a pro golf tour.”

posted at 1:29 am
on Dec. 2, 2003

who said it?

“Murder in Hopeville: A woman is not surprised when her boyfriend is a suspect in a robbery.”

posted at 10:32 pm
on Dec. 1, 2003

who said it?

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