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“The real problem with details is there’s so many of them.”

posted at 11:14 am
on May. 31, 2011

who said it?

“You get up early in the morning and you work all day. That’s the only secret.”

posted at 12:13 pm
on May. 20, 2011

who said it?

“An apology with an excuse is not an apology at all.”

posted at 4:03 pm
on May. 19, 2011

who said it?

“It is hard to feel sorry for yourself in the midst of an act of kindness or giving.”

posted at 11:38 am
on May. 19, 2011

who said it?

“When you become happier yourself, you increase the odds that the people around you will also be happy.”

posted at 11:35 am
on May. 18, 2011

who said it?

“To live happy, live hidden.”

posted at 9:47 am
on May. 17, 2011

who said it?

“There are two theories about how to argue with a woman. Neither works.”

posted at 8:25 pm
on May. 7, 2011

who said it?

“There was concern bin Laden would oppose the . . . operation, and indeed he did resist… Resistance does not require a firearm.”

posted at 5:08 pm
on May. 3, 2011

who said it?

‎“Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities - always see them, for they’re always there.”

posted at 11:56 am
on May. 3, 2011

who said it?

“If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful at all.”

posted at 11:56 am
on May. 2, 2011

who said it?

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