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“Love is the end of happiness! The end! Because one day all a guy’s got to do to be happy is to watch the Mets. The next day you gotta have [your girlfriend] in the room watching the Mets with you. You don’t know why. They’re the same Mets, it’s the same room…but you gotta have [her] there.”

posted at 9:14 pm
on Feb. 14, 2007

who said it?

“Life is long. Things change.”

posted at 2:15 pm
on Feb. 14, 2007

who said it?

“I always say that the essence of my work relies fundamentally on two basic principles: objectivity and observation, or “the two obs” as I call them. My work relies on my ability to remain absolutely, purely objective, detached. I have mastered the fine art of detachment. And while it comes at some cost, this supreme objectivity is what makes me, I dare say, the greatest observer the world has ever known.”

posted at 11:55 pm
on Feb. 12, 2007

who said it?

“Anna Nicole Smith dead—America finally has its own Princess Di moment…”

posted at 1:54 pm
on Feb. 8, 2007

who said it?

“...the friendship of decent people is decent, and increases the more often they meet. And they seem to become still better from their activities and their mutual correction.”

posted at 12:16 pm
on Feb. 6, 2007

who said it?

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