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“This Voyager spacecraft was constructed by the United States of America, a community of 240 million human beings among the 4.2 billion who inhabit our planet Earth. We are still divided into nation states, but are rapidly becoming a single global civilization which covers our tiny but very beautiful world . . . We are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours. We hope someday, having solved the problems which face us, to join a community of galactic civilizations.”

posted at 4:56 pm
on Apr. 22, 2006

who said it?

“If you can talk brilliantly about a problem, it can create the consoling illusion that it has been mastered.”

posted at 12:12 pm
on Apr. 21, 2006

who said it?

“We have the visual appeal of a pipe wrench.”

posted at 11:11 am
on Apr. 20, 2006

who said it?

“Employee #1: Kinda ridiculous that a George Foreman mini-grill is able to take down power for half of the floor.
Employee #2: Dude, you’re grilling in the office and you’re going to talk about what’s ridiculous?”

posted at 6:38 am
on Apr. 20, 2006

who said it?

“Hiring employees is like being punched with a chocolate glove — at first terrifying, but ultimately delightful!”

posted at 2:16 pm
on Apr. 19, 2006

who said it?

“You are what you write. On the Web we are writing ourselves into existence.”

posted at 11:09 am
on Apr. 19, 2006

who said it?

“RSS is made of people.”

posted at 11:06 am
on Apr. 18, 2006

who said it?

“I have no idea why, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t get the idea of a frog-shaped god to catch on with these people.  Gods with wings, yes; gods with horns, gods with crocodile heads and cat heads and thirty-seven different heads all arguing with each other; gods in the shape of every other king of critter that walks the face of the Earth, in fact, not to mention burning bushes and pillars of fire, but not frogs.  As far as humanity is concerned, God may move in mysterious ways, but He doesn’t hop.”

posted at 9:39 am
on Apr. 17, 2006

who said it?

“There is something in the human spirit that longs to look at water, and I think that may explain why so many people have fish tanks in their houses and apartments.”

posted at 11:14 am
on Apr. 3, 2006

who said it?

“In North Korea, sexual equality is sexy…. Sexual freedom is a universal right.”

posted at 11:37 pm
on Apr. 2, 2006

who said it?

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