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“That’s too bad to be false.”

posted at 8:16 pm
on Feb. 24, 2006

who said it?

“PHP is an amazingly easy to learn language and is offered now on even the most basic hosting accounts.  With such a low entrance fee, it invariably will be used by people with little experience in programming and not much interest in creating an excellent program.  Who cares?  I put a toddler in a fully stocked professional kitchen, and we are never going to get Crème Brûlée.”

posted at 11:25 pm
on Feb. 22, 2006

who said it?

“Louie is trying to win back his girlfriend, Zena. He asks if she loves him. She says she doesn’t know what love is. He tells her she’s in luck because he does. And he’s the only person alive who can say that. He’s read what everyone else says love is and they’re always wrong. She finally asks him what it is, and Louie says:

“Love is the end of happiness!

The end. Because one day all a guy’s got to do to be happy is to watch the Mets. The next day you gotta have Zena in the room watching the Mets with you. You don’t know why. They’re the same Mets, it’s the same room…but you gotta have Zena there.””

posted at 2:12 am
on Feb. 14, 2006

who said it?

“A community is a group of people who continue to learn about one another.  The biggest growth inhibitor in a community is fear. The biggest growth promoter is passion. A community is not simply a group of people who share a common interest—that’s called a marketing niche. “

posted at 5:48 pm
on Feb. 12, 2006

who said it?

“RSS is made of people!”

posted at 11:51 pm
on Feb. 10, 2006

who said it?

“Islam forbids any visual depiction of the Prophet, even benign ones. Should non-Muslims respect this taboo? I see no reason why. You can respect a religion without honoring its taboos. I eat pork, and I’m not an anti-Semite. As a Catholic, I don’t expect atheists to genuflect before an altar.”

posted at 3:58 pm
on Feb. 8, 2006

who said it?

“I subscribe to Newsweek, mainly for the columnists, but partly because it’s now a thesaurus for awkward ways to say “an unidentified source.”  When Newsweek fell into hot water a few months ago because of their use of unidentified sources they committed to cleaning up their act.  So these days, they still use unidentified sources for all of their political stories, but now they throw in overblown explanations as to why the sources are unidentified.  Things like, “… a source who wishes to remain anonymous because talking to the press can occasionally have unexpected and negative political effects” and “… a source who does not like the way his name looks in print.” “

posted at 11:57 am
on Feb. 6, 2006

who said it?

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, pull back the curtains, and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

posted at 11:23 am
on Feb. 6, 2006

who said it?

“You’re not the boss of me…Bruce Springsteen is the boss of me.”

posted at 11:44 am
on Feb. 2, 2006

who said it?

“Have you smiled yet today?”

posted at 11:44 am
on Feb. 1, 2006

who said it?

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