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“After researching 11 ‘attack options,’ Rand concluded that LAX was most vulnerable to attacks using bombs planted in a vehicle, a piece of luggage, or in the cargo hold of an airplane.”

WHO: Jennifer Oldham in an article headlined Lines Pose Risk at LAX
WHAT ELSE? “Adding one ticket counter station per terminal would reduce average line length from 75 people to 15, the Rand researchers found. Similarly, adding one more skycap station would reduce the average line length from 70 people to three, according to the report.”
WHAT ELSE? “The specifics of the attack scenarios, such as where terrorists could hide a luggage bomb to inflict the most casualties, were considered so sensitive that the TSA ordered Rand to remove them from the public version of the report. Researchers also removed the number of fatalities they concluded could result from each scenario, saying it was too ‘gruesome’ to leave in.”
SO? Let me get this straight.  If the city decided to make the airport more secure from terrorists, at a minor cost compared to the $413 million they spent “securing” the baggage system, the line for sky caps would go from being 75 people to being THREE?  Uh, I’m in favor.

posted at 1:48 pm
on Sep. 25, 2004





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