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“What they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit and it’s over.”

WHO? Harper’s Weekly, quoting George Bush’s advice on how to end the Israel-Hazbollah War.

FULL QUOTE: “War erupted between Hezbollah and Israel after the Lebanese militia launched Operation Truthful Promise against Israel by crossing the border and capturing two Israeli soldiers. The operation was staged in response to Operation Summer Rains, in which Israel occupied Gaza and destroyed a large portion of the civilian infrastructure. Israel countered Operation Truthful Promise by staging Operation Just Reward against Lebanon, bombing roads, bridges, power stations, fuel depots, ports, and airports, and killing numerous civilians. Hezbollah bombed Haifa, surprising Israel with the range of its rockets and killing at least eight civilians. ‘You wanted an open war,’ said Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah in a recorded message, ‘and we are heading for an open war. . . . The surprises that I have promised you will start now.’ ‘What they need to do,’ said President George W. Bush as he buttered a piece of bread at the G-8 summit, ‘is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit and it’s over.’ “

posted at 2:01 pm
on Jul. 18, 2006





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