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“Dear Uncle, everything is over. ... From the west side, only water and water can be seen. ... About 2,000 acres of land was overwhelmed and destroyed by the flood. We are starving over here and trying to send messages because every communications center or station is destroyed…. I hope you will find this letter very soon… We need an immediate rescue.”

WHO: From letters, one dated two days after the tsunami, sent by Koshi Mackenroe John, stranded on a hill above his destroyed village. CNN says “Koshi’s family, indigenous Nicobarese tribesmen, survived the waves that swept the island. Along with his father John Paul, mother Esther and sister Munni, the teenager scrambled to safety and took shelter on a hill. From there, brokenhearted, they could see what the furious waves had done to their island.”

AND? Is it self-aggrandizing to think that he was, in his way, blogging? Or perhaps that we bloggers are simply sending letters home just like Koshi, using the tools we have in front of us?

posted at 11:00 pm
on Jan. 6, 2005





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