Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

Sperm whale explodes in Tainan City

Your Day Could Be Worse: (An Occasional Series): splattering cars and shops with blood and guts, from

posted at 1:52 pm
on Jan. 30, 2004

Permalink - Search Engine Relationship Chart (tm)

This fairly decent chart explains the relationships between the search sites; they explain where the results come from (but not who owns what...) . (I hope for their sake that it is easy to update.)

posted at 4:24 pm
on Jan. 27, 2004


Second Life: Download Second Life Software

Someone with more time on their hands than me, please, download this and tell me if it's any good!

posted at 2:43 pm
on Jan. 27, 2004


Mistranslations and communication difficulties

: The Hong Kong Experience

posted at 2:38 pm
on Jan. 27, 2004


Table of Condiments That Periodically Go Bad

Sometimes I wonder how long gravy lasts before it goes bad. Not that I've ever eaten bad gravy -- knowingly. Anyway, this is a big help.

posted at 11:32 am
on Jan. 27, 2004


guinea pigs of yesteryear? Rest In Peace, Cooie

Where else but the Web could you share your tribute to

posted at 9:28 am
on Jan. 26, 2004


Man rescued after plunge into icy lake

Think you had a bad night? from The Daily Internet: The Daily Inter Lake Newspaper, Kalispell, Montana

posted at 10:06 pm
on Jan. 25, 2004


Denver Web Store - a nice little Web design firm

(but ask to hire Hop Studios first) 😊

posted at 7:37 pm
on Jan. 25, 2004


My LA: a land of palm trees and playgrounds

A photo blog that shows this "city" better than I have ever written about it:

posted at 6:10 pm
on Jan. 25, 2004


Yes, he likes ribs

Remarks by the President to the Press Pool: . No, he doesn't like questions.

posted at 5:33 pm
on Jan. 23, 2004



Hey ya, Charlie Brown! (Ryan had a good idea for a remix.) (Thanks )

posted at 3:52 pm
on Jan. 23, 2004


FI - Fantasy Interactive AB - Interact With The Future

has some nifty ideas for content dissemination.

posted at 12:57 pm
on Jan. 22, 2004


BLOGGER - Knowledge Base—How To Get A Book Deal With Your Blog


posted at 5:40 pm
on Jan. 19, 2004


the Mars lander from launch to landing

An amazing video, about 5 minutes long, of .

posted at 3:06 pm
on Jan. 19, 2004


The Akbar Font

Have you ever wanted to write like Matt Groening? Well, I can't make you funny, but I can show you where to get .

posted at 12:31 pm
on Jan. 19, 2004


Discography GFX

Consider this an early gift for next year: Christmas music in 8bit format (i.e. using sound samples from Nintendo, Atari etc.) at

posted at 11:49 pm
on Jan. 18, 2004

Permalink : U.S. Leads World in Sex, Survey Finds

An old story I've finally blogged:

posted at 10:32 pm
on Jan. 17, 2004


another cool picture

I'm surprised I haven't pointed out these wonderful objects: PixelBlocks, pictured here in full translucent color. They're a next generation Lego, and they look like so much fun. Here's .

posted at 10:07 pm
on Jan. 17, 2004


Howstuffworks “What do you call the @ symbol used in e-mail addresses?”

This site links to mine:

posted at 8:19 pm
on Jan. 17, 2004



the Tulse Luper Suitcases by Peter Greenaway has a , but even though it's all pretty, I still don't understand it.

posted at 2:09 pm
on Jan. 16, 2004


wonderful essay

A that is either very well written or perhaps the rantings of a crazy student. It's hard to tell sometimes.

posted at 8:50 am
on Jan. 15, 2004


Squirrel Fishing

is a little known field of study, and a darn fine time.

posted at 6:47 pm
on Jan. 14, 2004


“Hottest Babes in ASCII”

View these at a distance of several feet, and you'll see a black and white picture like this.

posted at 5:51 pm
on Jan. 12, 2004


Gogole, Gooogle, foofle, 466453

Google has registered a number of misspellings that forward to their main site: Gogole, Gooogle, Gogle,, 466453 (my favorite -- look at your phone pad), and Elgoog. Do you know of any others?

posted at 5:35 pm
on Jan. 12, 2004


The Ultimately Pointless Website

has images of flags and smileys and more.

posted at 12:40 pm
on Jan. 12, 2004


Beavis or Butthead

I can never keep them straight -- is this a picture of the real-life ?

posted at 12:19 am
on Jan. 12, 2004


Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things

The Dead End Job Memoir, linked in

posted at 11:54 pm
on Jan. 11, 2004


My So-Called Blog

: A New York Times article about blogs and teens and angst and new social patterns.

posted at 11:42 pm
on Jan. 11, 2004


Examining the Voynich Manuscript

for meaning in its untranslatable lettering, which appears to be unrelated to any known written language.

posted at 11:28 pm
on Jan. 11, 2004


Typeface Primer

is informative.

posted at 12:43 pm
on Jan. 10, 2004


buy one here

The scientists working on the Mars Mission has custom mechanical Mars watches made that meek Martian Time. You can from the guy who made them for the JPL team.

posted at 4:45 pm
on Jan. 9, 2004


Poynter’s hilarious and best headlines of 2003


posted at 10:17 am
on Jan. 9, 2004


click on the bear

Visit memory cloud and ! (It's a random web site with great destinations.)

posted at 12:37 am
on Jan. 9, 2004


of Seattle by Flipdingo

A wonderful panaramic photo:

posted at 12:35 am
on Jan. 9, 2004


Oddpost FAQ/Help

is slightful; perhaps I should try using their web email service.

posted at 5:59 pm
on Jan. 8, 2004


long moving images of trains

Don't worry that you can't read this page. Click on the big blocks of color and then look at

posted at 3:32 pm
on Jan. 8, 2004


Horses stolen, victimized near Echo Lake

And all he left was this silver bottle of hand lotion... , from the Bigfork Eagle.

posted at 1:29 pm
on Jan. 8, 2004


Instant PoMo Web art

from your favorite mundane Web site, thanks to the Shredder

posted at 11:27 pm
on Jan. 7, 2004


the Bush twins and how they seem to be protected

The Washington Post writes about

posted at 7:55 pm
on Jan. 7, 2004


PressThink: Thoughts on the Killing of a Young Correspondent


posted at 7:35 pm
on Jan. 7, 2004


Friends foil Olympia man’s home / South Sound -The Olympian

Everyone should have a friend like this -- and then not let that friend housesit:

posted at 3:06 pm
on Jan. 7, 2004


Vanuatu ‘s Underwater Post Office

It's a primary function of government! It's a tourist gimmick! It's !

posted at 6:09 pm
on Jan. 6, 2004


hit-or-miss: Integrated Quicklinks Tutorial

- if you wondered how to make a single blog that has some long posts and a collection of short posts as well, this shows you one way to do it.

posted at 4:49 pm
on Jan. 6, 2004


blogs would appear from 100 feet away

Screenshots of how certain popular

posted at 4:39 pm
on Jan. 6, 2004


Easy CSS drop shadows

Here's how to do , from the brain fountain of

posted at 10:58 pm
on Jan. 1, 2004



Susie should check out , an Internet clipart collective creation

posted at 10:45 pm
on Jan. 1, 2004



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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