Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

USC Daily Trojan Editor in chief resigns from post after clashing with administration

It's a well-written, balanced story that highlights the lack of revealing detail from all sides of the conflict.

posted at 3:07 am
on Nov. 30, 2006


Low-level radiation found on three British airliners -

Spy thriller turned real?

posted at 12:34 pm
on Nov. 29, 2006


Student expelled from Portland college after challenging woman’s belief in leprechauns

Luckily, the woman did not actually command her leprechauns to attack the atheist student -- those creatures can really mess you up! Oh, wait, they don't EXIST.

posted at 12:06 pm
on Nov. 28, 2006


Video: Gollum and Jack Black singing songs from ‘Grease’, live performance

Also, they do some jazz skat. I have to say, this is the weirdest thing I've seen on the internet in at least two months. And I see some weird stuff.

posted at 12:01 pm
on Nov. 28, 2006


Be more humble: Read about these common cognitive biases

My favorite: The forgot it all along effect. I have that.

posted at 8:28 pm
on Nov. 27, 2006


A Flow Charty-y Decision Tree for Communication Technologies

Email or IM or Videoconference or F2F? Print out this flow chart and now you'll know.

posted at 5:41 pm
on Nov. 27, 2006


A good way to make people drive slower (NSFW)

And also maybe to swerve off the road. Do you think this would also stop j-walking?

posted at 4:23 pm
on Nov. 27, 2006


Greater Vancouver boil-water advisory lifted

Thanks, Rachael

posted at 12:46 pm
on Nov. 27, 2006


Summary of the violent acts and punishments inflicted by God, according to the Bible

Where is the good and just God Christians say they worship?

posted at 2:55 pm
on Nov. 24, 2006


Teacher caught ranting on YouTube video; two students get in trouble

And all electronic devices are banned from the school. " 'The teacher will be the master of his class — a closed class and confidential,' Mansouri said, adding that even with the ban on everything from cellphones to iPods, teachers will likely still fear that they are being filmed." As well they should. I don't know about the specifics of this incident (the students might deserve punishment) but banning filming isn't the way to solve it.

posted at 2:49 pm
on Nov. 24, 2006


One day late: The WKRP Thanksgiving Turkey Drop video

This one's for you, Mom!

posted at 1:49 pm
on Nov. 24, 2006


Gerald Klein, 59, has been stalking a woman since meeting her at a wedding in 1974

It's not an Onion joke -- it's horrible true story, and the stalker is about to get out of prison and start again.

posted at 11:40 am
on Nov. 23, 2006


Test your musical skills in 6 minutes!

I got 77.8% -- between normal and very good. It's a TOUGH test!

posted at 10:59 am
on Nov. 23, 2006


Scott Adams’ Thanksgiving Wish

Cartoonists aren't always funny.

posted at 10:50 am
on Nov. 23, 2006


your text goes here - a stick figure web comic

There's a website, too, but it's got fewer comics.

posted at 12:09 pm
on Nov. 22, 2006


Paintball BFG (watch the video at the bottom of the page)

Handy if you are attacked by demons from Mars during a paintball game.

posted at 2:44 am
on Nov. 21, 2006


For Dummies now is going to be a TV Show

First up: probably not Buzz Marketing for Dummies.

posted at 2:11 am
on Nov. 21, 2006


The 20 funniest internet images

I assure you, you'll laugh 10-15 times.

posted at 1:41 am
on Nov. 21, 2006


Wired News: The Secret World of Lonelygirl15

I was right.

posted at 12:54 am
on Nov. 21, 2006


Build a Blogroll with NetNewsWire and AppleScript

I did this.

posted at 5:38 pm
on Nov. 20, 2006


Worst-Case Scenario Contest: Submit your video, and watch some funny ones

Disclaimer: Raincoast Books, who's sponsoring the contest, is a client.

posted at 12:04 pm
on Nov. 20, 2006


Friday Cat Cuteness

There's a LOT of it; be prepared to spend some time snorting.

posted at 12:46 pm
on Nov. 17, 2006


gillian’s own blog is not the #1 hit for fuck gillian gunson

But my blog is the #1 hit for fuck travis smith. What does this say about me?

posted at 1:51 am
on Nov. 16, 2006


Have you used Axure for wireframe, prototype, or functional specifications?

If so, do you like it?

posted at 3:33 pm
on Nov. 15, 2006


Mozart music box—video of guy on roller blades on a busy street

The wine bottles go diddle do diddle do diddle do dee...

posted at 12:16 pm
on Nov. 15, 2006


Merriot Hotels Forces Ads on to Pages Viewed by Its Guests

As someone who just paid $13 / day for Internet access at the S.F. Hilton, I know from shafting. Thanks, Geeky Traveler

posted at 11:27 pm
on Nov. 14, 2006


I learned about a new animal today: the Naked Mole Rat

The naked mole rat is the only cold blooded mammal. It needs an environment with a specific constant temperature to survive. It lives in a eusocial organisation social structure, similar to that found in ants, termites, and some bees. Within a colony only the queen and one to three males reproduce. Oh, and the naked mole rat is the only animal that resembles human male genitalia. Except for geoducks.

posted at 2:42 am
on Nov. 14, 2006


Slow News Day? You Could Always Write That Students Today Are Worse at Math…

When *I* was in school, I was taught how to do *square roots longhand*! And look how I turned out!

posted at 2:13 am
on Nov. 14, 2006


It’s true: Line Rider Rocks!

Riding a sled through a great big line drawing. Fun! Thanks, 30-something!

posted at 1:55 am
on Nov. 14, 2006


A Pittance of Time: A song for Remembrance Day

Thanks, Monique

posted at 8:41 pm
on Nov. 13, 2006


cows_are_sexy: My new favorite flickr contact

This man or woman, um..., likes cows.

posted at 8:12 pm
on Nov. 12, 2006


Oscar-winning actor Jack Palance, 87, dies - Los Angeles Times

I don't normally pass along obits. But I really liked this guy.

posted at 1:49 am
on Nov. 11, 2006


Getting your hair cut by a sixth grader

... is not a good idea.

posted at 6:29 pm
on Nov. 10, 2006


Is a burrito a sandwich? And other Aristotelian things to ponder on a Friday

I just wanted to use Aristotelian in a Five Live Links title.

posted at 5:01 pm
on Nov. 10, 2006


Cool features that didn’t make the cut into Windows Vista

'Safe Delete' and 'Mimesweeper' -- almost too funny to be fake

posted at 4:55 pm
on Nov. 10, 2006


Study: Users Prefer Moderated Sites

They don't want discussion to get sidetracked by off-to... hey, loook, something shiny!

posted at 1:32 pm
on Nov. 10, 2006


Citizen Journalism: Burglary in progress reported over phone, posted to NowPublic

What, the reporter didn't catch the guy, too? Slacker.

posted at 4:13 pm
on Nov. 9, 2006


Flowchart of how the newsroom works: The Truth

I think it's more than likely that some editor somwehere did this on company time, too. 😊

posted at 3:21 pm
on Nov. 9, 2006


600 seconds, on Salon

What 10 minutes of your life would you relive if you had the chance?

posted at 1:41 am
on Nov. 2, 2006


Military research on the use of dogs with ESP to detect landmines, in 1953

An interesting, brief read.

posted at 1:37 am
on Nov. 2, 2006


I’m moving up in Google!

I'm now the 7th most famous "Travis" in Google, just recently beating out Travis Tritt. In your face, country boy! (I don't count multiple sites about the same person or group, in this case, the music band Travis).

posted at 12:51 am
on Nov. 2, 2006


The best photos of Vancouver’s downtown, on Flickr

I can't bring myself to even compete.

posted at 11:54 pm
on Nov. 1, 2006


Six Apart highlights Hop Studios and the Gold Medal blog

Oddly, they didn't talk to us about this at all before they wrote about us... but I'm not complaining!

posted at 5:21 pm
on Nov. 1, 2006


CIA uses MediaWiki to create a classified Intellipedia

Amazing. Wonderful.

posted at 3:34 am
on Nov. 1, 2006



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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