Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

Was that a Republican Earthquake?

Was that a Republican Earthquake? Take a look at this map of the 2000 popular vote...

posted at 7:56 pm
on Sep. 28, 2004


Don’t wait—go now and play: Rock, Paper, Saddam!

Note: Don't pick Saddam -- he won't win

posted at 3:25 am
on Sep. 28, 2004


New Sarah McLachlan video: the $150,000 meant to make the video, was given to world charities

The video is emotionally moving, and looks not bad for the "$15" she spent on it.

posted at 3:16 am
on Sep. 28, 2004


hurricanesmap.gif: A message from God?

I'd like someone to verify the validity of this...

posted at 3:03 am
on Sep. 28, 2004

Permalink Leno to step down in 2009, O’Brien will step up

And so the cycle of life continues

posted at 11:12 am
on Sep. 27, 2004


Virgin Galactic: Space tourism

Gotta love it

posted at 11:11 am
on Sep. 27, 2004


Fire forces evacuation of Pattison’s yacht (Vancouver Sun)

Cow kicked a lamp over, I hear

posted at 9:53 am
on Sep. 27, 2004


Car Talk’s Top Car for Lesbians

OK, it's a bit of an odd award. But still.

posted at 12:31 am
on Sep. 27, 2004


eboy’s fabulous icons

They draw better with blocks and 256 colors than I can do with all the oil paints in the world.

posted at 3:20 am
on Sep. 26, 2004


Take product photos with a digital camera and a kitchen counter

Good reading.

posted at 6:00 pm
on Sep. 25, 2004


How to stop the HP Director from reappearing in your dock

It's my dock. Not HP's. Get your icons out of it.

posted at 2:51 am
on Sep. 25, 2004


Debbie @ Hermitdeb

Debbie @ Hermitdeb

posted at 1:15 am
on Sep. 25, 2004


George @ LiveJournal

George @ LiveJournal

posted at 1:04 am
on Sep. 25, 2004


Heather @ eponymous

Heather @ eponymous

posted at 1:03 am
on Sep. 25, 2004



I'm posting it because if I tried to email this link to my sister, her spam filters would probably block it. Damn you, SPAM!

posted at 10:16 pm
on Sep. 24, 2004


Free State Project is looking for 20,000 people to move to New Hampshire

Seems to me they should have picked Hawaii as their "base of operations"

posted at 10:12 pm
on Sep. 24, 2004


A great long article about the transformation of Vancouver’s downtown

From the Vancouver Sun

posted at 1:33 pm
on Sep. 24, 2004


The Official God FAQ

This is one of those one-joke sites.

posted at 3:41 am
on Sep. 24, 2004

Permalink - Sending MIME email in PHP

When you need to know this, here's where you'll find out how.

posted at 9:36 pm
on Sep. 23, 2004


McGee Muses about Wikis

Great linkage.

posted at 5:29 pm
on Sep. 21, 2004


EPA Web Design: Specification

A lot of thought went into these rules. Good thought?

posted at 1:35 am
on Sep. 21, 2004


The perfect combo: Only 99?!

Prunes and TP go together like Fred and Ginger.

posted at 12:04 am
on Sep. 20, 2004


Couple files law suit after being arrested for wearing anti-Bush T-shirts

They should start by arresting people who still wear "Frankie Goes to Hollywood" tees. I mean, people, that's SO OVER!

posted at 11:48 pm
on Sep. 19, 2004


I Found Some Of Your Life: A blog taken from a found photo card

The concept is fascinating; the photos, less so.

posted at 5:03 pm
on Sep. 19, 2004


Music copyright scenarios explained

What's legal to do, where.

posted at 2:06 am
on Sep. 19, 2004


Vancouver waits for the Big One

Luckily, we're on the 26th floor, so we'll land on top.

posted at 5:03 pm
on Sep. 17, 2004


Using CSS to create a printable inline version of a Web page


posted at 2:59 pm
on Sep. 17, 2004


Beautiful photo of a nude, in black and white

Work safe, actually. (UPDATE: No longer work safe.)

posted at 1:33 am
on Sep. 17, 2004


Chokey Chicken bought Tony Pierce’s afro

He sold it on eBay, for charity.

posted at 12:40 am
on Sep. 17, 2004


Two days left until “Talk Like A Pirate Day” (September 19, mateys)


posted at 12:30 am
on Sep. 17, 2004


World’s Biggest Can Opener

Also, it digs mines. 😊

posted at 5:44 pm
on Sep. 16, 2004


Don’t miss the “Clip-n-Seal? Fresh News” blog

It's the first blog I've seen with an (r) in the title. Egads.

posted at 12:41 pm
on Sep. 16, 2004


If you attempt to cancel Netflix, they’ll offer you a $19 instead of a $22 rate

Not bad savings for three mouse clicks.

posted at 1:24 am
on Sep. 16, 2004


I *want* a Sushi Pirate T-shirt

Just when you think you've decided not to ever buy anything else ever again because you just have to move it, something like this comes along.

posted at 12:37 am
on Sep. 16, 2004


PNG Demo

Of course it doesn't work in IE.

posted at 10:21 pm
on Sep. 15, 2004


L.A. County Home Prices Continue to Soar

Hooray for me, sad for L.A.

posted at 10:33 pm
on Sep. 14, 2004


The latest drug scourge, meth, makes you ... work harder?

Apparently, paranoia and impulsive sex mix well with Corporate America.

posted at 10:16 pm
on Sep. 14, 2004


A post about open source blogging tools

I hope the comments grow

posted at 1:53 pm
on Sep. 14, 2004


The Sunniest City in Canada ain’t Vancouver

But V. does claim title to fewest days below freeing, so who's laughing now, really?

posted at 1:51 pm
on Sep. 14, 2004


How Greenpeace Got Its Name

"Make it a green peace."

posted at 12:32 pm
on Sep. 13, 2004


Cool-looking flash animation that isn't safe for work

posted at 3:33 am
on Sep. 13, 2004


Photography is NOT a crime

It's just treated like one these days. (from

posted at 3:09 am
on Sep. 13, 2004


Brown Equals Terrorist

Justice is blind. Police, not so much.

posted at 3:08 am
on Sep. 13, 2004


Police in Paris have discovered a fully equipped cinema-cum-restaurant in a large and previously unc

Chic? What a meanless adjective when applied to Paris. That's like calling a certain neighbourhood of New York "dense" or a certain street in L.A. "smoggy"

posted at 2:50 am
on Sep. 13, 2004


Coming Soon: Trailer Park Boys - The Movie!

Fucking eh!

posted at 1:58 am
on Sep. 13, 2004


Do Newspapers Make Good Business News Look Bad?

The New York Times reports in detail about a study by two researchers that purports that newspaper headlines are much harsher on the economy during Republican presidencies than Democratic ones. Of course, that might be because from 1991-2004 the economy has suffered more under Republican presidencies...but I'd need a research grant to be sure. 😊 Oh, and at the end of the article, the NYT finally mentions that one of the researchers has "come under criticism [when he acknowledged] that he assumed a pseudonym -- Mary Rosh -- to write his own praise and defend his positions in online debate on [gun ownership as crime deterrant] from 2000 through January 2003." The other was an adviser to Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, during his bid for the presidency in 2000. And these guys are investigating bias. I guess it's a subject near and dear to them.

posted at 1:19 am
on Sep. 12, 2004


Auschwitz Album is the only surviving visual evidence of the process of mass murder at Auschwitz-Bir

The photos in the album show the entire process except for the killing itself. The purpose of the album is unclear.

posted at 5:07 pm
on Sep. 11, 2004


John paints over a bad word

A small story about a small effort that can make a big difference

posted at 3:36 am
on Sep. 11, 2004


Amazing carvings of watermelon

Thanks, Metafilter!

posted at 1:00 am
on Sep. 10, 2004


Yahoo! Cheney thinks eBay is swell

I love articles that read almost like parody

posted at 1:00 am
on Sep. 10, 2004

Permalink’s story about a home built with love and $50,000

A fantastic article about a battle with cancer and neighbors.

posted at 12:58 am
on Sep. 10, 2004


Weebls Stuff - It’s Badgers Abroad

Thanks, GoodExperience

posted at 11:32 am
on Sep. 9, 2004


pepsicanfu, a funny Pepsi video ad

Thanks, GoodExperience

posted at 11:32 am
on Sep. 9, 2004


The complete collection of Vancouver condo floorplans - great for potential renters

We found these floor plan sets for real estate quite handy.

posted at 2:24 am
on Sep. 9, 2004


Canadian Food Inspection Agency - Health of Animals - Importation of Pet Cats

A little personal research.

posted at 6:08 pm
on Sep. 3, 2004


Spamusement! Funny cartoons based on spam subject lines

Finally, something good comes out of spam.

posted at 11:26 am
on Sep. 2, 2004


Download Skype for Mac OS X

It's voice chat software -- IM with sound.

posted at 3:52 am
on Sep. 2, 2004


Billboards You Would Like To See (not particularly safe for work, but no nudity)

"We put the 'lard' in 'lard-ass'

posted at 3:32 am
on Sep. 2, 2004


The Smoking Gun has a set of stamps featuring Nicolae Ceaucescu

Also tasteless: The ones with Ted Kaczynski

posted at 3:24 am
on Sep. 2, 2004


Vancouver: 1919 hours of sunshine per year

Los Angeles: 3379. Hmmmm.

posted at 3:21 am
on Sep. 2, 2004


Brand new towel is designed not to fall down

Leave it to the Scots, eh?

posted at 3:19 am
on Sep. 2, 2004


The 10 golden rules of Lomography

This site is a trip.

posted at 8:46 pm
on Sep. 1, 2004



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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