Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

Cabel shows a Rib Eating competition

Up close and gruesome.

posted at 4:22 pm
on Jul. 31, 2006


Getting to Know Your U.S. Military Abroad

Presented without a hint of irony, by Truthdig.

posted at 4:06 pm
on Jul. 31, 2006


We Feel Fine, an exploration of current human emotions

Hours of exquisite voyerism. Thanks, Darren.

posted at 4:49 pm
on Jul. 27, 2006


Tomorrow is System Administrator Appreciation Day

Just FYI.

posted at 1:04 pm
on Jul. 27, 2006


Photo of a newborn baby

This is truly one of the most moving photos I've seen on Flickr.

posted at 12:52 am
on Jul. 27, 2006


Her parked car was hit by lightning

God zapped her car's antenna off. She was probably listening to too much oldies for His taste.

posted at 11:59 pm
on Jul. 25, 2006


Rachael did a Flickr photoset of Susie & I over the past two years

Susie looks awesome. I look ... serious.

posted at 12:57 am
on Jul. 21, 2006


The Memory Keeper’s Daughter, by Kim Edwards

Soon to be the NYT Best Seller!

posted at 4:50 pm
on Jul. 20, 2006


gillian’s right: This video clip makes me wish I could dance

Too tired to think up a punchline. Good night!

posted at 1:54 am
on Jul. 14, 2006


The Cult of Leia’s Metal Bikini

Interesting article.

posted at 8:03 pm
on Jul. 12, 2006


When Nixon Met Elvis

In the gov't national archives.

posted at 12:20 pm
on Jul. 12, 2006


Rake art - take photos from a kite

Neat! I'll ask my gardener to do this right away. 😊

posted at 12:19 pm
on Jul. 12, 2006


Movable Type updates to 3.3

After a short beta test period, they're ready to release it. Let's watch and see what happens... (Update: The online manual is still for 3.2)

posted at 10:37 am
on Jul. 12, 2006


Zidane World Cup Headbutt Animation Festival

from Anil Dash.

posted at 10:45 pm
on Jul. 11, 2006


Free(?) slurpee day today at 7-11

I can't find verification of this -- is it true? If not, you'll have to shell out your own buck, Mr. Moneybags.

posted at 12:29 pm
on Jul. 11, 2006


Norm MacDonald returns to host, diss Saturday Night Live

It's pretty true, because it's funny.

posted at 4:02 am
on Jul. 11, 2006


A Funny Podcast About A Sad Girl: Hope Is Emo

If humor is us laughing at the pain of others, here's the logical conclusion of that observation.

posted at 12:33 am
on Jul. 11, 2006


Bush’s Mysterious Bulge, Explained

It's the gas tank! (A funny video.)

posted at 12:06 am
on Jul. 11, 2006


Spot the five differences in these pictures (a game)

I worked until 5. So this game seemed appropriate.

posted at 5:10 pm
on Jul. 7, 2006


A Bad Day at PMachine

Good to know that the people I turn to when I make big mistakes with EE, also make their own big mistakes with EE. We're all in this togther.

posted at 7:13 pm
on Jul. 5, 2006


Korean site: Painting with Sand and Light

My mom showed me this link.

posted at 5:19 pm
on Jul. 5, 2006


Shop CBC Online, 30% off today

Use this coupon code: insidethecbc. Thanks, CBC Blog!

posted at 10:31 am
on Jul. 5, 2006


Kobayashi eats 53 3/4 hot dogs in 12 min, sets ‘record’

Does anyone really believe he ate just 1/4 more hot dogs this year than last? It's rigged, I tell you, rigged.

posted at 9:35 pm
on Jul. 4, 2006


The weirdest fireworks in America: Happy 4th!

I like Twinkle Toes and 'Larry'.

posted at 7:26 pm
on Jul. 4, 2006


Bad (bad like bad, not like good) Music Video From David “The Hoff” Hasselhoff - “Jump In My Car”

It's for real. Nothing on the internet can ever surprise me again. Until tomorrow.

posted at 9:21 pm
on Jul. 3, 2006


Press the red button only once

..or else.

posted at 4:23 pm
on Jul. 3, 2006


Vancouver’s Airport is the 7th Best in the World to Sleep in for Free

I've slept in the Zurich airport and the Albany airport. Zurich wins.

posted at 2:55 pm
on Jul. 3, 2006


Joel Achenbach Tweaks the Blah, Blah, Blahgosphere

He's one of my favorite modern writers.

posted at 2:35 pm
on Jul. 3, 2006


Let Rob Knox Wish You a Happy 4th of July

Worth checking out.

posted at 12:58 pm
on Jul. 3, 2006


pick out a domain name real quick

It's handy!

posted at 1:55 am
on Jul. 2, 2006


Just How Fast is Dubai Growing? Before and After Pictures

10 years apart.

posted at 1:54 am
on Jul. 2, 2006


Among Nome’s Ten Reasons to Love Canada: Gay Marriage, Peacekeeping, Poutine

Happy Canada Day, everyone!

posted at 10:51 pm
on Jul. 1, 2006



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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