Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

Student threatened blowing up UBC to avoid giving a presentation

Question: Why was the FBI involved in finding this guy? Don't we have our own RCMP officers who can do this law stuff?

posted at 6:10 pm
on Mar. 31, 2009


Rocker ‘Chosen Chick’ Super Soft Jewish T-Shirt

I just like the phrase 'chosen chick'

posted at 3:34 pm
on Mar. 31, 2009


Another side-scrolling EE site

It's in Dutch, but I think it's awesome.

posted at 1:48 pm
on Mar. 30, 2009


Photos of the rebuilt Turing Bombe

It was the Nazi codebreaker which shortened the Second World War by two years

posted at 12:07 pm
on Mar. 30, 2009


Robot Quiz: Name These 40 Robots

posted at 6:12 pm
on Mar. 28, 2009


cityrag: Mysterious Celebrity Tattoos

If you get someone's face on your arm -- for goodness sake, get it properly done.

posted at 5:39 pm
on Mar. 28, 2009


A cool animated ad for Google Chrome

I like the Chrome logo bouncing around like a block deleting game.

posted at 12:25 pm
on Mar. 28, 2009


Trailer for The Clean Bin Project - a year making no trash or garbage at all

I watched this while wiping my mouth with a paper towel and drinking from a soda can. Can you say: guilty?

posted at 1:28 pm
on Mar. 26, 2009


Kids today… teen paints giant shlong on his parents’ roof

Then flees the country. True story!

posted at 5:13 pm
on Mar. 25, 2009

Permalink is coming

It's based in, which we built. Except theirs has more rhythm. 😊

posted at 12:32 am
on Mar. 25, 2009


The stunningly amazing story of the building of the Brooklyn Bridge

Makes me want to buy it.

posted at 11:25 pm
on Mar. 24, 2009


MindHabits: A mood improving video game

I dig it. Click on the happy faces!

posted at 5:24 pm
on Mar. 21, 2009


You’re just mad because you can’t prove me wrong.

Heh. Web comic.

posted at 4:04 pm
on Mar. 21, 2009


You Probably Lose: A Not-Fun Flash Game

I won! Then I lost.

posted at 4:00 pm
on Mar. 21, 2009


What Do Women Want?

Mostly they seem to want attention. As opposed to men, who seem to want women. All in all, a good system, don't you think?

posted at 2:44 pm
on Mar. 21, 2009


Bas Jan Ader: Artist who does videos of himself, falling

Amazing. Try clicking on Selected Works, then on Fall 2. Sadly, he disappeared in a small sailing boat while trying to circumnavigate the earth.

posted at 2:36 pm
on Mar. 21, 2009


On the new Shuffle headphone control, and Apple’s punishment of tech journalists who don’t conform

Please read, and republish, this editorial. It's the most thoughtful attack on Apple's policy relating to journalists I've read in a while.

posted at 10:05 am
on Mar. 21, 2009


steven berlin johnson’s talk about Old Growth Media And The Future Of News

I *so* wish I had been at this panel at SXSW.

posted at 3:43 pm
on Mar. 20, 2009


God’s Facebook Wall

heh. "Adam and Eve are in a relationship."

posted at 1:40 pm
on Mar. 20, 2009


Review of “The Foie Gras Wars” talks about life as a fattened duck


posted at 7:49 am
on Mar. 20, 2009


Video: why no one wants to fight Dr Manhattan (NSFW)

This is kinda offensive, if you think large blue glowing penises that look like light sabers are offensive.

posted at 6:07 pm
on Mar. 19, 2009


Twitter Unveils New Premium Accounts

Satire, but funny.

posted at 4:53 pm
on Mar. 19, 2009


Here’s some secret extra Skype Emoticons & Flags

I like (finger) and (bandit) the best, but (rock) is cool, too.

posted at 4:49 pm
on Mar. 19, 2009


Walking, talking female robot to hit Japan catwalk

Stupid article has no picture. How dumb is that?

posted at 12:26 pm
on Mar. 19, 2009


In praise of ‘slow design’ and the New Yorker

posted at 12:26 pm
on Mar. 19, 2009


Another great column from Chris Erskine

I don't know if his wife laughs at these, though.

posted at 10:10 am
on Mar. 18, 2009


Clay Shirky: Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable

A long, long, great essay that says way more and way better what I've been saying: newspaper folks saw the Internet coming 15 years ago, and yet still could not have avoided being basically and totally hooped.

posted at 1:10 pm
on Mar. 14, 2009


YouTube music mixups by Kitiman: Funk-y

Here's Kutiman's "The Mother of All Funk Chords"

posted at 11:33 am
on Mar. 12, 2009


Iraqi Shoe-Thrower Gets 3 Years in Prison

Where he will practice his aim.

posted at 11:09 am
on Mar. 12, 2009


Pork, bacon ham, and sausage mashed into the shape of a pig and cooked

Thanks, Shane. Awesome porkitude.

posted at 10:45 am
on Mar. 12, 2009


CC Zero: A uiform way to put material into the public domain

It's a good idea.

posted at 9:36 pm
on Mar. 11, 2009


What can you do with a pound of duck fat?

All sorts of good things.

posted at 10:07 pm
on Mar. 9, 2009


Ever had a Web form lose what you were typing? Try Lazarus

It's a Firefox add-on that does one amazing thing: Save your Web-form work. Yay!

posted at 11:30 am
on Mar. 9, 2009


We Are Breeding Ourselves to Extinction

Don't read this if you're generally having a good day today. Sample quote: "Perhaps the chaos and bloodshed will be so massive that overpopulation will be solved through violence, but this is hardly a comfort."

posted at 10:44 am
on Mar. 9, 2009


Which of the 4 Gregs are you?

Sci-fi greg, open source greg, japanese culture greg or D&D greg?

posted at 3:24 pm
on Mar. 7, 2009


When Daughters Run Away ... an interview

Really flip-flopped perspective on teen runaways. Worth a read.

posted at 3:20 pm
on Mar. 7, 2009


How to Buy an iPhone App From the Cydia Store

Cydia is one of the installers available on jailbroken phones. So basically, this is a way to get around the iTunes store but still buy/sell apps for the iPhone.

posted at 1:01 pm
on Mar. 7, 2009


Ah, here’s the barbarian picture I was looking for


posted at 12:20 pm
on Mar. 7, 2009


Kama Sutra chocolates (NSFW)

I found them searching for images of "barbarians" -- go figure.

posted at 12:17 pm
on Mar. 7, 2009


Time lapse of the street crossing at Abbey Road, all day long

No one seems to get the angle just right.

posted at 11:37 am
on Mar. 7, 2009


Five important steps to reducing food waste

I wish I could!

posted at 4:34 pm
on Mar. 6, 2009


One clever bit of advice from his mom about job hunting

It's a good one.

posted at 2:56 pm
on Mar. 6, 2009


Amazing video of people jumping off cliffs in flying suits

Base jumpers are terrifying. Check out at 3:20 -- flying past a road.

posted at 2:43 pm
on Mar. 6, 2009


Coping, Helping & Supporting When Someone is Depressed

I hope you never find this useful.

posted at 12:59 am
on Mar. 5, 2009


Is this poster the most sexist advertisement of 2008?

Warning: Shows a woman in lingerie being trangled on the hood of a car by a well-dressed man in a suit..

posted at 7:54 pm
on Mar. 4, 2009


Guy gets fooled into thinking he made a Half Million Dollar basketball shot

It's part 7 of a prank war by the college humor guys

posted at 7:14 pm
on Mar. 4, 2009


“These Come From Trees” stickers will cut paper towel usage by 15%

Good little campaign

posted at 10:55 am
on Mar. 3, 2009


Good design: The ten commandments of Dieter Rams

Good design is ...

posted at 2:54 am
on Mar. 3, 2009


You can tell if two people are in to each other or not in 10 seconds with 60% accuracy

Nevertheless, it's not polite to walk out on a date after 10 seconds. So inefficient.

posted at 4:31 pm
on Mar. 2, 2009


In Canada, the most commonly smuggled illegal drug at airports is: khat

Do you know what khat is? I didn't.

posted at 9:37 am
on Mar. 2, 2009


Rob Cottingham of Social Signal delivered a hilarious keynote at Northern Voice 2009

The video's great. The speech: greater.

posted at 2:13 am
on Mar. 2, 2009


Half-billion dollar downtown Vancouver Ritz-Carlton project dead

That lot seems to be CURSED, I tell you, haunted!

posted at 1:29 am
on Mar. 2, 2009


Canada defeats U.S. to win sledge hockey tournament

Has any one else noticed the Vancouver Sun's Web site is actually getting better?

posted at 1:15 am
on Mar. 2, 2009


Help support Canadian films easily

Join the First Weekend Club

posted at 11:34 pm
on Mar. 1, 2009


The author of 20 books about death, now 90, waits to die

An arresting L.A. Times profile of Edwin Shneidman.

posted at 3:38 pm
on Mar. 1, 2009



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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