Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

Mold Detection Dogs

I have a lap-detecting cat. Is she worth anything?

posted at 3:06 pm
on Jun. 30, 2004


Alexa traffic data: Look out Drudge, here comes Michael!

At this rate, they might switch places by ... November?

posted at 4:29 am
on Jun. 30, 2004


The best, most complete word on storing eggs I’ve read, at h2g2

Yes, I look this up on the Internet frequently. No, that doesn't make me crazy. Because I said so, that's why.

posted at 4:24 am
on Jun. 30, 2004


Another damning documentary, this one by William Karel: The World According to Bush

Available on DVD in France now.

posted at 2:59 pm
on Jun. 29, 2004


Play Yeti Sports’ Albatross Game

My top score: 1414.1. Those penguins are heavy suckers.

posted at 10:44 am
on Jun. 29, 2004


lapdwife: blog of a policeman’s spouse

It's great to get another voice in the mix.

posted at 1:23 am
on Jun. 29, 2004


Krugman writes: The truth about [John Ashcroft’s] malfeasance is so extreme that it’s hard to avoid

Ashcroft's the scariest fellow in the Bush White House, in my opinion.

posted at 9:47 pm
on Jun. 28, 2004


Boy rescue, but keeps chanting “the claw! the claw!”

I thought this was how babies were made in the first place

posted at 12:22 pm
on Jun. 28, 2004


MMMmmm Brains ....

Passed down over the generations, you know, like a curse.

posted at 11:33 am
on Jun. 28, 2004


U.S. Transfers Political Authority to Iraqis

"There was no noticeable celebratory gunfire, which often occurs at commemorative moments in Iraq." Great. the only time we actually WANT them to shoot, and they don't.

posted at 3:46 am
on Jun. 28, 2004


The Adventures of ACTION ITEM—A true American superhero

"But the girl, can't you save her?" "I feel it's best to address that in a sidebar meeting..."

posted at 11:40 pm
on Jun. 27, 2004


Canada’s election of a new Prime Minister takes place Monday

I know you know this, but sometimes I feel like I ought to remind you anyway

posted at 10:13 pm
on Jun. 26, 2004


Blood-soaked Wal-mart customer arrested, charged with killing

Didn't he know, always change clothes before buying the shovel?

posted at 10:06 pm
on Jun. 26, 2004


Taking a little break… (or, Some thoughts on life, work and happiness

How can you tell when you're doing what you should be doing? When you get to write blog entries like this.

posted at 5:32 am
on Jun. 26, 2004


Melissa Data: A page of free specialty online search engines

The pay stuff is tools for sending snail mail.

posted at 1:44 am
on Jun. 26, 2004


In the Senate chamber, VP Cheney tells Leahy to “fuck [him]self”

"According to congressional aides, Leahy said hello to Cheney ... Cheney then ripped into Leahy for the Democratic senator's criticism this week of alleged war profiteering in Iraq by Halliburton, the oil services company that Cheney once ran." I think we've all learned a lesson here: Do not say "Hello" to Cheney.

posted at 9:23 pm
on Jun. 24, 2004


Everybody play: Dogtoy or Marital Aid?

Not for kids or puppies.

posted at 5:11 pm
on Jun. 24, 2004


Office Space movie sound clips

Listening to just one of these will have you quoting from the movie all day.

posted at 11:32 pm
on Jun. 22, 2004


ACT II Kettle Corn’s misleading box

Arrr, there be Sucralose hidden here, beware!

posted at 11:26 pm
on Jun. 22, 2004


tony pierce tells everyone else how to blog

And you know what? You ought to listen to him

posted at 2:07 am
on Jun. 22, 2004


Arkansas’ NBC 24/51 -  Psychologists say high school kids prefer “hooking up” over traditional datin

On the next show: News that some adults prefer it as well

posted at 10:46 am
on Jun. 21, 2004


Rongorongo or the Hieroglyphs of the Easter Island Tablets

I think I've posted about this before, but the mystery remains still

posted at 9:44 am
on Jun. 21, 2004


anziblog v4.0 | Migrate Your MT 2.x Blog To Movable Type 3

Handy and helpful, if you want to take the plunge

posted at 9:37 am
on Jun. 21, 2004


A graph of Yahoo’s most popular pictures

It's a pretty even split between flesh, cute animals, and news photos.

posted at 1:38 am
on Jun. 21, 2004


Test your color-mixing abilities

I'm so bad at this, it was humbling.

posted at 4:38 pm
on Jun. 20, 2004


OAIster is a meta search engine

Not a "meat search engine" which is what I originally typed. Too bad, though.

posted at 4:31 pm
on Jun. 20, 2004


FOUND Magazine chronicles things (pictures, audio, notes) others have lost

I wonder if my ability to play guitar is posted somwehere there

posted at 3:03 pm
on Jun. 20, 2004


The Infinite Cat Project - Cats watching cats watching cats.

I found it fascinating!

posted at 6:33 pm
on Jun. 18, 2004


Five things the next iTunes version needs to have

I'd love to see an automatic calculation of the proper beats per minute (BPM) for each song -- it would make mix and matching that much easier. Or at least have some sort of manual tool in iTunes that you can tap out the beat and apply it to a song.

posted at 5:07 pm
on Jun. 18, 2004


The Straight Dope: What’s the market for spare body parts?

This one, too, which I think came slightly earlier.

posted at 3:55 am
on Jun. 18, 2004


The Straight Dope: McDonald’s commercials explained!

Just thought I'd point out the question I contributed to Cecil's column way back in 1994.

posted at 3:53 am
on Jun. 18, 2004


some day, I will design a site that is as nice to navigate as this

But it won't have my picture on it.

posted at 2:17 am
on Jun. 18, 2004


A eblog with posts categorized by the Dewey Decimal System

I guess Library of Congress system took up too much space in the nav.

posted at 1:34 am
on Jun. 18, 2004


I’m a sucker for cut-and-paste random stuff

And that's why I'm doing this.

posted at 1:20 am
on Jun. 18, 2004


Findory’s automatically personalized news has become my new home page

It's _that_ useful. Loads fast. Now if only they had a Google search on the page...

posted at 8:48 pm
on Jun. 17, 2004


Will 16X be the top speed for DVD Burners?

Certainly. And Man will never travel on rails at high speeds because asphyxia would result.

posted at 6:04 pm
on Jun. 15, 2004


Baby Smasher Industries offers an alternative use for baby changing stations

Order stickers, if you're feeling impish

posted at 7:34 pm
on Jun. 14, 2004

Permalink Cassini’s photos of Saturn moon support far-out origin theories

Even our cosy solar system is a strange place -- the rest of the universe unimaginably so.

posted at 12:05 pm
on Jun. 14, 2004


TIME Magazine—Meet Joe Blog

Write about blogs -- get free links!

posted at 11:17 pm
on Jun. 13, 2004


BBspot - Google Releases Print Edition

The whole internet, in 36,000 convenient volumes. Pay in installments.

posted at 10:29 pm
on Jun. 13, 2004


Steve eats the things that you won’t, and blogs it

Someday, he'll die of this, and you'll feel bad you didn't stop him. Until then, it's hi-LA-rious!

posted at 10:28 pm
on Jun. 13, 2004


Why ducks and sewer grates are natural enemies: A photo essay

The rise of citizen photojournalism is a wonderful thing.

posted at 3:38 am
on Jun. 13, 2004


My sister Virginia just got a job at Ruth’s Chris Steak House in Portland

She'll be bringing home all sorts of bacon now.

posted at 12:51 am
on Jun. 13, 2004


How Canadian Elections Work

We're having an election in about three weeks. It will cost about 1% of the American election, and be about 99% less annoying.

posted at 3:19 am
on Jun. 12, 2004


Imperial Storm Troopers meets Reservoir Dogs

Thanks, Boing Boing!

posted at 3:12 am
on Jun. 12, 2004


Turn your PC into a Mac

Posted for Susie, who ought to

posted at 8:15 pm
on Jun. 11, 2004


Japan’s NHK is making the thing after HD TV

With 32MB images at 60 frames per second on a 450" TV paired with 22.2 surround sound, Friends reruns are 19 times funnier!

posted at 3:56 am
on Jun. 11, 2004


brianstorms weblog: An Offer I Couldn’t Refuse

A San Diego blogger gets paid $2,000 by a print publication to reprint his previous month's postings for their cover story. Later, bloggers everywhere have odd, semi-erotic dreams of same.

posted at 3:41 am
on Jun. 11, 2004


C.C. @ CC and David


posted at 2:04 am
on Jun. 11, 2004


A selection of great broad quizzes from the Merseyside Quiz Leagues

"Pop quiz, hotshot. There's a bomb on a bus. Once the bus goes 50 miles an hour, the bomb is armed. If it drops below 50, it blows up. What do you do? What do you do?"

posted at 10:56 pm
on Jun. 10, 2004


The complete set of letters between two British lovers, separated by the war

From North Africa to Leicester, transcribed 60 years later by their son -- a lovely site, to be sure. They were found when Eric passed away in the late 1980's, just a few years after his wife, Olive. A quote from Olive: "Let's hope this war will soon be over for I for one have had just about enough of it. I little thought what it would mean to us. Do you remember that night after Chamberlain had been to Munich and I said then it worried me that there should be a war little knowing that we should be separated by the beastly thing. "

posted at 10:37 pm
on Jun. 10, 2004


Infographic: How to work a room

Things are much more memorable when there's an image to go with them.

posted at 1:55 pm
on Jun. 10, 2004

Permalink “Exclusive”: PR bloggers push forth the medium

What's the exclusive part? That PR people are using blogs? Stop the presses!

posted at 1:51 pm
on Jun. 10, 2004


Nice site, but the eye reminds me of Lord of the Rings

Of course, even cheerios remind me of LOTR -- I gotta stop watching that film.

posted at 4:25 pm
on Jun. 9, 2004


Apple’s Software Update 10.3.4 promises “Happy Chocolate Fun Time”

I installed it, and, yeah, whadda ya know, it's true!

posted at 4:24 pm
on Jun. 9, 2004


Travis just bought a spectacular tower of dual 2.5 GHz G5 fun

It's beautiful, and it's bringing a sexy friend home with it: brand_new_ball_of_G5_fun.gif

posted at 4:05 pm
on Jun. 9, 2004


A checklist of 100 items which, when completed, show you have complete personal freedom

My own checklist is much shorter: [] I have $10,000,000 in a numbered Swiss bank account.

posted at 10:11 pm
on Jun. 8, 2004


Older women love playing games

Like The Sims, online, once their families are asleep.

posted at 10:02 pm
on Jun. 8, 2004


CustomInk automatically posts all customer feedback, unedited, to its front page

Does your company have the courage to do this? Why not?

posted at 1:45 pm
on Jun. 8, 2004


Three-quarters of the ads aired by Bush’s campaign have been attacks on Kerry.

Didn't his mom teach him right? When you don't have something nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all.

posted at 11:36 am
on Jun. 8, 2004


Amazon, fearing “blog” isn’t a stupid enough word, creates an alternative: “Plog”

And my plog, like many blogs, seems to be rather hard to find.

posted at 11:18 pm
on Jun. 7, 2004


George Washington and the Horrid Squatters

A long piece about another side of the father of the United States. From the Washington Post magazine.

posted at 10:38 pm
on Jun. 7, 2004


My grandmother had one of the first remotes, using ultrasonics

The technology was called "Space Command"

posted at 12:15 pm
on Jun. 7, 2004


Remote Control Anarchy: Given their 50 years’ development time, why do TV remotes suck so bad?

Jakob Nielsen says: "Non-standard designs reduce users' confidence in operating [anything that does standardize its features]"

posted at 12:13 pm
on Jun. 7, 2004


Search for Nigritude Ultramarine

And you'll find out there are a lot of people who care deeply, scarily deeply, about how pages get top rank at Google

posted at 11:59 am
on Jun. 7, 2004


“Nailed” there? Well, of course it was *nailed* there…

Absolutely mind-piercing X-rays of a fellow who fell onto a co-worker holding a nail gun.

posted at 1:44 am
on Jun. 5, 2004


Maxim’s true Canadian signs feature

Funny stuff.

posted at 3:04 am
on Jun. 4, 2004


My friend creates the Best Chat Icon Ever

best_chat_icon_ever.gif And when I say "creates," I mean it -- that's her baby!

posted at 12:38 am
on Jun. 4, 2004


The New York Times : Technology : Circuits : Basics: Fine-Tuning Your Filter for Online Information

Late to write about it. and poorly researched -- and what about listing a Mac RSS reader?

posted at 2:31 am
on Jun. 3, 2004


Soccer game interrupted by sudden, spontaneous big-ass tornado

Click the "Play" link. [Thanks, Waxy]

posted at 3:47 am
on Jun. 2, 2004


Meet the New Widgetopia

Same as the old Widgetopia -- with less comment spam, apparently

posted at 3:30 am
on Jun. 2, 2004


Two suitcases of money

The latest bank spam email I got, sent me a picture of two huge suitcases of cash. How cool is that?

posted at 7:40 pm
on Jun. 1, 2004



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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