Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

How to Disagree on the Web: A Social Contract

From level DH0 (you suck!) to DH6 (I refute your central tenet with these facts).

posted at 8:56 pm
on Mar. 31, 2008


The Story Behind the 14-year-old Resurrection of

I have a copy, on this very machine, of Netscape 0.9? (that's how they named the Beta...) And no, it doesn't run on my machine now, but it did two months ago on my previous computer. That's not bad for 1994 software...

posted at 8:16 pm
on Mar. 31, 2008


Robert Scales fails to see the Olympic torch in Beijing: FAIL!

Fail: Not him, the process.

posted at 3:04 pm
on Mar. 31, 2008


Ordinary Chinese people struggle to see Olympic torch lighting

This is not the openness that the world was hoping the Olympics would spark; but it does cast more global light on how the government of China operates.

posted at 3:03 pm
on Mar. 31, 2008


Top 10 Things He Hates About Star Trek

An old but good list

posted at 2:38 pm
on Mar. 31, 2008


Did You Wonder What Happens When You Eat a Silica Gel Packet?

This comic shows you.

posted at 12:06 pm
on Mar. 29, 2008


Are Hershey, Mars, Cadbury and Nestle price-fixing chocolate?

A lawsuit alleges they are. This is what happens when Big Chocolate goes unchecked.

posted at 4:13 pm
on Mar. 28, 2008


Video: Kitta gets hit in the face by Easter Fireworx at a carnival

It's Australia: kill or be killed country.

posted at 12:06 pm
on Mar. 28, 2008


Stephanie Vacher does a food audit of her kitchen, and the results are not pretty

Well, actually, the photos ARE pretty, but the findings are mixed.

posted at 12:01 pm
on Mar. 28, 2008


Five days of Disney: Exploring Disney World as an adult

I did everything -- exactly everything -- he did in this article. It's surreal.

posted at 4:10 pm
on Mar. 27, 2008


\Out of Print: The death and life of the American newspaper.

I saw all this happening ... in 1998.

posted at 11:44 am
on Mar. 27, 2008


Wally’s Burgers is closing

I will have to go there before it does. One week left! (And Moderne Burger, where the Hell are you???)

posted at 5:13 pm
on Mar. 24, 2008


Why Is there a Shortage of Female Film Critics?

Uh, cause only dumb boys want to watch most of the crappy movies being made these days?

posted at 12:04 am
on Mar. 24, 2008


21 Pretty Good Accents in 155 Seconds

Thanks, Darren.

posted at 4:32 pm
on Mar. 22, 2008


Getting Rubber Plugs in Your Tear Ducts

Sounds -- futuristic!!!

posted at 4:42 pm
on Mar. 21, 2008


Five Web 2.0 ways to break up with your boyfriend

I'll add one: Instead of a Twitter, send him a Spitter.

posted at 4:26 pm
on Mar. 21, 2008


Magic: The Gathering comes to Xbox Live

This was announced last month, but I only found out today. Internets, you have FAILED me for the LAST TIME. *choke*

posted at 11:44 am
on Mar. 19, 2008


Yesterday’s By-election in my Quadra Vancouver district was REALLY close

My vote probably did matter! Amazing!

posted at 5:18 pm
on Mar. 18, 2008


Part-Time Instructor Job - Flash - at Langara College, Vancouver

Subject Area: New Media Publishing for the Web with Macromedia Flash

posted at 3:58 pm
on Mar. 18, 2008


SmartSleep: Help Your MacBook sleep faster, with less disk space used

I hope it works.

posted at 3:45 pm
on Mar. 18, 2008


Rilli: Cool

Get it? "really cool"? It's a pun. OK, I'm done. Go check it out.

posted at 2:43 pm
on Mar. 18, 2008


YouTube and Vancouver Film School: Full Scholarship Contest

All you have to do is swallow 2 liters of Diet Coke and a pack of Mentos, and you're the winner!

posted at 1:16 pm
on Mar. 18, 2008


Why Facebook Has No Heart

I think this rings truer every day.

posted at 11:29 am
on Mar. 18, 2008


‘Monster’ Community Weighs In on Campaign Controversy

Funny stuff.

posted at 1:19 pm
on Mar. 17, 2008


Dear Matt and Anil: Rick from EE has something nice to say

WordPress, Movable Type and ExpressionEngine -- can't we all just get along? (and share spam-filtering code?)

posted at 3:34 pm
on Mar. 14, 2008


New York Magazine 2008 Home Page Preview

Cool way to highlight a new design.

posted at 3:24 pm
on Mar. 14, 2008


iPhone eventually going Intel? Appletell sez so

The biggest issue in my mind? The effect on battery life.

posted at 8:07 pm
on Mar. 13, 2008


Julia Allison: Best of the Lip Dubs: Joy to the World

You can't help but smile when you watch this video.

posted at 1:46 pm
on Mar. 11, 2008


POSSESSED - a great video about people who are uber-pack rats who can’t throw anything away

This isn't me. But in a parallel universe, it is.

posted at 4:00 pm
on Mar. 9, 2008


Happy Smurfday - About the Smurfs

Susie and I were just talking about trying to bring "smurf" back into the national vocabulary.

posted at 9:23 am
on Mar. 8, 2008


BlogRovR won’t work with my biggest client,

And they don't answer their email, either. sigh.

posted at 12:19 am
on Mar. 7, 2008


The Vancouvr Ultimate League has a Twitter account

Yeah, Vancouvr. Why fight the inevitable?

posted at 10:58 pm
on Mar. 6, 2008


Metroblogging has redesigned, and switched from Movable Type to Wordpress

Every upgrade has issues; does this one have ramifications for MT as well?

posted at 3:12 pm
on Mar. 6, 2008


Edward Burtynsky has taken some amazing photos of China’s manufacturing process

Click on China -- the site is Flash-based, but worth it.

posted at 11:05 am
on Mar. 5, 2008


SCHED: SXSW 2008 is a great tool for choosing and comparing parties, films and sessions

Nice design, and totally easy to use.

posted at 8:37 am
on Mar. 5, 2008


A Web crawler named Glumper ate all my bandwidth

"Welcome to Glumper." is all this IP address says -- but it downloaded 160 GB over and over again from 3 MP3 files. What a drag!

posted at 8:36 am
on Mar. 3, 2008



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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