Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page (a DVD by mail service) takes over VHQOnline

Will this help my DVDs get here any faster? I doubt it. Oh, Netflix, how I miss thee (ye?)

posted at 1:13 am
on Aug. 31, 2005


How to Install RAM in the iMac Flat Screen (desk lamp)

Don't tell my brother-in-law Matt, but we bought him some RAM. He'll need to know how to install it, so I bookmarked this site.

posted at 5:04 pm
on Aug. 30, 2005


Video of people getting BRAIN FREEZE

Ow. (via Good Experience Live newsletter)

posted at 12:08 am
on Aug. 30, 2005


This is how bus drivers get assigned their routes

Good for the L.A. Times writing this story: a glimpse into the pressures and hopes of a small but important group of people that most people wouldn't otherwise wouldn't get to see. Now, do this 500 more times, newspaper!

posted at 12:03 am
on Aug. 30, 2005


The 3-D Alphabet

It's pretty neat, and I bet you could adapt to it fairly quickly. (via Joho the Blog: 3D alphabet)

posted at 11:23 am
on Aug. 29, 2005


Slashfood declares today Grilled Cheese day

I love grilled cheese. I'm going to have one for dinner.

posted at 12:01 am
on Aug. 29, 2005


Cruft: How to make a gyro cooker

This guy's college engineering pays off -- he now saves $2.79 on buying pre-cooked Gyros! Actually, it's a pretty neat guide with photos and everything.

posted at 11:33 pm
on Aug. 28, 2005


I learned a new word today: Borborygmus

Borborygmi are the sounds your stomach makes when it's rumbling.

posted at 11:17 pm
on Aug. 28, 2005


Apple won’t include a BitTorrent Dashboard Widget in its widget gallery

Sez Apple:

When you submit your software, your submission is subject to review. Apple reserves the right to omit, edit, or reject submissions. We chose not to highlight Azureus as it supports BitTorrent (which could possibly be used for illegal file sharing).
Oh yeah? Well, Wiley's risking publishing a WHOLE BOOK about BitTorrent. So there, Apple! (via Joho the Blog: The Lawyers' Net)

posted at 1:30 am
on Aug. 27, 2005


sean bonner has several good suggestions for a new BlogAds logo

The best submission gets $1000. Woo!

posted at 1:19 am
on Aug. 27, 2005


The average car today contains about 35 million lines of code

"The average car today contains about 35 million lines of code, according to Stefanis, a figure that will grow substantially over the next few years." Wow.

posted at 12:38 pm
on Aug. 26, 2005


Good tips for writing complex CSS

Once again, the Web provides the perfect article to answer the question I had last month.

posted at 12:27 pm
on Aug. 26, 2005


There were 74,000 protests in China last year

Did you know that? Do you know how many ended with the government clubbing, arresting, or prohibiting the protest? I don't, and that's a shame.

posted at 11:21 am
on Aug. 26, 2005


TV Show Board Game Collection - a photoset on Flickr

The Mork and Mindy board game intrigues me, the Patty Duke one scares me.

posted at 10:38 am
on Aug. 26, 2005


Photo Exhibit: From South Africa with Love

Sue Jaye has taken some amazing images with the help of a special woman from the township of Khayelitsha, outside Cape Town.

posted at 9:09 am
on Aug. 26, 2005


How to add Geotags to Flickr with Google Maps and Greasemonkey


posted at 1:47 pm
on Aug. 25, 2005


Journalist Judith Miller has been in jail for 50 days

The government should not be coercing journalists to reveal sources. Period.

posted at 9:48 am
on Aug. 25, 2005


A FPPOV article about shooting with the Helga camera

FPPOV: First person point of view. The article is written by my friend Rachael, who takes good photos regardless of the camera.

posted at 1:41 am
on Aug. 25, 2005


Death by Caffeine: The lethal limit of your favorite drink

I drink enough Diet Coke to kill me about every four months. (via larry borsato)

posted at 1:07 pm
on Aug. 24, 2005


The Naked Girl in a Bar! - a photoset on Flickr

I hope he never explains it. It's just better this way.

posted at 2:00 am
on Aug. 24, 2005


The Asian Blogging conference where Susie’s the main speaker

Their own blog could use some work -- maybe they should hire someone who knows a lot about blogs to... nah, never mind. (I hear my Mom's voice: "Nobody likes a smart...")

posted at 7:10 pm
on Aug. 23, 2005


My friend Kathleen Grace just came out with a jazz vocal CD

She's got a great voice, and she's also really nice. You can buy her CD, if you want. (p.s. I have no financial connection to her CD sales, I'm just feeling marketing-y tonight.)

posted at 8:35 pm
on Aug. 22, 2005


This program finds indy musicians that match your tastes

It's free to listen, the songs are free, too. Available for Windows, Mac, Linux. Woah. (via TidBITS: Indy: Your Own Independent Radio Station)

posted at 8:14 pm
on Aug. 22, 2005


Greenpeace has done something interesting with its ‘File Not Found’ page

Turns an error into an opportunity.

posted at 1:59 pm
on Aug. 22, 2005


Gibberish Generator

In case my blog isn't adequate and you need to supplement your daily gibberish.

posted at 1:33 pm
on Aug. 22, 2005


Man fulfills dream by swimming across Flathead Lake

It's a damn long swim, and Flathead Lake even has a MONSTER which may or may not be a sturgeon.

posted at 1:24 am
on Aug. 22, 2005


Riding a Segway across America - video

Dammit. This was my idea. Mine. All mine. Though since I didn't do it, it's nice someone did.

posted at 1:15 am
on Aug. 22, 2005


Take pictures? Like Sudoku? Then you’ll love this site.

It's a really excellent idea well done -- just needs a little more in the way of help text for new users. It's all made possible by the Flickr API.

posted at 12:21 am
on Aug. 22, 2005


Oceana Network’s blog: Dedicated to restoring and protecting the world’s oceans

Protecting the oceans is tricky -- no one lives there, no one owns most of the ocean, so there aren't many governments who make ocean-saving a high priority.

posted at 4:57 am
on Aug. 19, 2005



If you buy me this t-shirt, I will remember you in the dessert phase of the afterlife.

posted at 3:30 am
on Aug. 19, 2005


The story behind that “cool guy who sat in the leather chair listening to loud music” ad

click for video Click for the video. There's also a Part 1 of this story Total Media knows blank media trivia better than any other site I've visited. Yeah, it's a stretch of a compliment, but I'm up past my bedtime.

posted at 2:41 am
on Aug. 19, 2005


We Are the Web - 10 years of riding this online rollercoaster

Fairly good article, if only for the nostalgia factor.

posted at 10:56 pm
on Aug. 18, 2005


QuirksMode - 150 pages of CSS help

Again, I think I owe this fellow at Quirksmode some link love for helping me figure out how to make this blog you're now reading only in the RSS feed, you ungrateful, design-skipping bastard. (grin)

posted at 4:54 pm
on Aug. 18, 2005


Stephen Downes tells me how to get people to read my blog

"Hey, everyone, look: FREE BREASTS!"

posted at 4:50 pm
on Aug. 18, 2005


People who dress/look like their World of WarCraft characters

I forget where I found this originally.

posted at 4:49 pm
on Aug. 18, 2005


Akamai’s neat chart of Net Usage for News

Don't know how useful it is, but it's neat! And pretty!

posted at 10:08 am
on Aug. 18, 2005


Lulu is a 3-day-a-month online store

Good T-shirt prices, I've been told...

posted at 12:42 am
on Aug. 18, 2005


Amazon’s Long Tail sales aren’t so long

This doesn't invalidate the theory of the long tail, but it does diminish its best example.

posted at 11:20 pm
on Aug. 17, 2005


What’s a Weblogger? This guy knows

Funny if you're a blogger, otherwise not so much.

posted at 11:18 pm
on Aug. 17, 2005


Why Images in Table Cells Sometimes Have Mysterious Gaps Now

I spent 100 minutes on this. Now someone else may not have to. Go go go, power of links!

posted at 8:57 pm
on Aug. 17, 2005


State of the Blogosphere, August 2005

Very basic, super-efficient summary: Blogs are good.

posted at 8:56 pm
on Aug. 17, 2005


Relativity Explained With Words of 4 Letters or Fewer

It's supercalifragalistic- expealidocious!

posted at 1:17 pm
on Aug. 17, 2005


CSS browser bugs explained in detail - Position is Everything

One of the sites that helped explain, in loving detail, why IE made my head explode when I was laying out this very blog.

posted at 1:10 pm
on Aug. 17, 2005


Windows worms now attacking each other

Zotob, Bozori and IRCbot are engaged in botwarfare. Maybe we can sneak off planet while they're distracted...

posted at 11:32 am
on Aug. 17, 2005


On Aug. 27, zombies will attack Vancouver. Join them!

You can tell it's the dog days of summer when...

posted at 10:00 pm
on Aug. 16, 2005


alexandra samuel is in search of the perfect host

I recommend -- good rates, great service. So why am I using Jumpline? Inertia -- they basically suck, but I'm too complexly installed to move at this time.

posted at 5:31 pm
on Aug. 16, 2005


Oh, the Places You’ll Go (On Google)

A wonderful rhyme about what you get when you search on Google.

posted at 5:27 pm
on Aug. 16, 2005


Margot Quan Knight photography

Disturbing, innovative.

posted at 12:28 pm
on Aug. 16, 2005


‘Just Another Soldier’ is a book about being deployed in Iraq

I can't sstop reading it -- it's so smooth, and so disturbing.

posted at 11:00 am
on Aug. 16, 2005


Outsourcing IS Evil—One Technology Company’s Perspective

I don't agree, but I like their arguments.

posted at 10:46 am
on Aug. 16, 2005


Butterfly Alphabet Posters

Made from pictures of real living butterfly wings (via Kevin Kelly -- Cool Tools)

posted at 10:43 am
on Aug. 16, 2005


How to ‘hack’ an elevator and get it to go straight to your floor

If you try this and it works, let me know. Originally seen on Boing Boing.

posted at 12:38 am
on Aug. 16, 2005


Save your trash AND help others

Procrastinate and do good -- it's a dream come true.

posted at 12:35 am
on Aug. 16, 2005


Potholes in NYC, tracked with Google Maps

IS there anything that isn't in Google? Today, yes. Tomorrow, probably not.

posted at 12:15 am
on Aug. 16, 2005


Beliefs drive research agenda of new think tanks

What ever happened to Hypothesis, Experiment, Conclusion?

posted at 6:10 pm
on Aug. 15, 2005


Mac OS X hosts File for Panther

I'm always (well, ok, rarely) looking this up.

posted at 6:09 pm
on Aug. 15, 2005


What does ‘Orange’ mean?

"Enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation." And orange you glad I didn't say banana again?

posted at 6:08 pm
on Aug. 15, 2005


Ferris Bueller’s Day off: A Concept Map

I really, really, really am predictable -- "related" to my favorite movie, are many other of my favorite movies. Click to see searches sorted visually by concept proximity.

posted at 1:28 am
on Aug. 15, 2005


He balances rocks by magic (video)

Watch it here:

posted at 1:23 am
on Aug. 15, 2005


vancouver is the * capital of canada

Would you believe: BMW, bank robbery, gay, homeless, cannibis, vacation, robbery, soccer, suicide, cocaine, film, heroin, peace, western? (The basic point is that doing a search on Google with a "*" in a sentence has just been beefed up by google to give even more interesting results. Try it!)

posted at 1:46 am
on Aug. 14, 2005


The best Mr. T music video ever

And that's no lie, fool

posted at 1:12 am
on Aug. 14, 2005


great, simple music video—dancing in the back yard

Totally amateurs with enthusiasm, doing a fab music video. (via MetaFilter)

posted at 4:21 pm
on Aug. 12, 2005


Photos to amuse, from The Museum of Food Anomalies

From scary to, well, slightly less scary.

posted at 1:07 pm
on Aug. 12, 2005


When facing an officer with a stun gun, it doesn’t help to be wearing METAL ARMOR

But it does help to be a looney.

posted at 1:05 pm
on Aug. 12, 2005


Wht’s a ponce? The English-to-American Dictionary knows

And now, so do I. (Hey, that guy insulted me!)

posted at 1:01 pm
on Aug. 12, 2005


A dog competes in an annual swim from Alcatraz ritual

My friend Krista also did the swim, but the dog beat her.

posted at 11:40 am
on Aug. 12, 2005


Music on the Move: A Novel Idea

My pal Wes is smart, and has many good ideas. This may even be one of them.

posted at 11:31 am
on Aug. 12, 2005


An old, but good, blog post from Anil about chain emails

Forgive me if you've already read it. It was just SO FUNNY and SO TRUE that I needed to tell EVERYONE about it by blogging about it. 😊

posted at 11:24 am
on Aug. 12, 2005


What’s happened to Ping-o-Matic!?

They've been down for a day or two, according to their own chart -- looks like a heart attack graph if you ask me.

posted at 11:18 am
on Aug. 12, 2005


Buchwald writes about Novak

One of his sharper columns in quite a while, in style and content.

posted at 11:16 am
on Aug. 12, 2005


Eating Live Octopus Tentacles

The raging plate of squirming, writhing and willful baby octopus tentacles awed us. If I was the Greek hero Perseus, then this plate before me was the severed head of Medusa the Gorgon with her locks of seething, slithering serpents. Hyperbole? How about understatement.

As if that's not enough, there's video of the battle

(via eclecticism)

posted at 12:16 am
on Aug. 12, 2005


Is That a Unicorn on Your Shirt, Or…

I know several people who would wear these. What does that say about me? (via Boing Boing)

posted at 11:28 pm
on Aug. 11, 2005


My friend Noriko writes articles for Oops, a Japanese-language Vancouver newspaper

Her latest story was about pole dancing. I don't know what it says, so I just looked at the pictures.

posted at 11:21 pm
on Aug. 11, 2005


A Handy Walk around Stanley Park

I plan to ride my bike around this loop this weekend.

posted at 10:36 pm
on Aug. 11, 2005


white cats CAN jump

Poor Aimee's too hot to do anthing but sleep these days.

posted at 10:15 pm
on Aug. 11, 2005


Remembering Hiroshima

I backdated this entry because it really belongs on Aug. 6. This is the 60th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. 9/11: 2,985 deaths. Hiroshima: 80,000 in the explosion, 140,000 total in 1945 if you include radiation poisoning. WWII: 6,000,000 deaths. Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.

posted at 11:31 am
on Aug. 6, 2005



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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