Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

Fire Dancers - a photo gallery on Flickr

At the annual Halloween Parade of Lost Souls near Vancouver's Commercial Drive

posted at 9:13 pm
on Oct. 31, 2004


scenta presents “Nucleus,” the game of electron hopping and covalent bonds

Great diversion. Super easy to start, hard to quit.

posted at 1:55 am
on Oct. 30, 2004


BBC - Radio 4 - The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - The Adventure Game

Don't forget to feed the dog a cheese sandwich.

posted at 1:30 am
on Oct. 30, 2004


2004’s Scariest Halloween Costumes

Politically provocative and tasteless, too!

posted at 7:36 pm
on Oct. 28, 2004


Seven Weeks into a Ten Week Process, My Friend’s Going to Let Blog Commenters Name His Baby

And you said I was obsessed....

posted at 7:31 pm
on Oct. 27, 2004


Link to my blog, or tonight I will DESTROY THE MOON

Do not doubt me, heathens!

posted at 10:13 am
on Oct. 27, 2004


An auto-summary of the debates using Word’s tool on the transcript

It even captures the candidates' speaking styles. Amazing, really.

posted at 10:08 am
on Oct. 27, 2004


Can you spot computer generated images? Prove it.

I got 6 of 10 right.

posted at 7:50 pm
on Oct. 26, 2004


A Comparison of Sites That Shorten Long URLs

I tried, but I couldn't create a shorter link for this.

posted at 5:58 pm
on Oct. 26, 2004


Datings a WebGirrrl? You can tell by her HTTPanties

ThinkGeek is looking out for the less-communication-abled

posted at 2:15 am
on Oct. 26, 2004


Mountain trip to old Japan - A Trachtenberg Family Slideshow Playrs music video

It's not much like the previous Eminem link. But I do so love this band.

posted at 1:16 am
on Oct. 26, 2004


Eminem produces an overtly political music video

Is this the "The Times They Are A-Changin'?" for this generation? Watch it and see.

posted at 12:50 am
on Oct. 26, 2004


The Daily Scribble is really funny

Editorial cartooning meets high school heckler.

posted at 11:27 pm
on Oct. 25, 2004


The Tyee: Journalism Future in Wikipedia

A little over-the-top, but good.

posted at 6:51 pm
on Oct. 25, 2004


Susie talks to Radiant Marketing Group’s Paul Chaney

It's research for her book.

posted at 1:16 pm
on Oct. 25, 2004


Flickr: Photos tagged with “evil”

A nice mix for Halloween.

posted at 2:49 am
on Oct. 25, 2004


Who Links Here

Just checking. Very viral marketing or them.

posted at 2:42 am
on Oct. 25, 2004


Get Off The Internet And Vote

You owe it to yourself, and your countrymen and -women

posted at 2:27 am
on Oct. 25, 2004


Bikini Bounce is fun romp on a bouncy bosom, by the U.K. travel site

I doubt you'll see Expedia copying them, though.

posted at 12:30 am
on Oct. 25, 2004


request: a short film by zefrank

Such poetry. He almost makes it sound convincing.

posted at 6:41 pm
on Oct. 22, 2004


Calories in Moose

Moose is very Atkins friendly.

posted at 5:21 pm
on Oct. 22, 2004


Rob Kendt starts blogging again with “The Wicked Stage”

He was Variety's first blogger.

posted at 2:36 pm
on Oct. 22, 2004



Sometimes I post links to stuff I just don't understand, on the theory that the people reading this are smarter than me. This is one of those times.

posted at 12:59 pm
on Oct. 21, 2004


A massive fridge letter flash-based free-for-all

Someone kept stealing my "P"s, the bastard!

posted at 4:36 pm
on Oct. 20, 2004


Student catches, eats, rabbits from campus lawns

Elmer Fudd, a graduate student in barber school.... just kidding.

posted at 4:29 pm
on Oct. 20, 2004


adFunture presents “The Monkey Show,” Bringing Artists Together

It's an odd place. I didn't understand the store at all until I later looked up the Web site.

posted at 2:34 pm
on Oct. 20, 2004



Turns off any TV (unfortunately, the Website-B-Gone also today, because of bandwidth problems.)

posted at 2:20 pm
on Oct. 20, 2004


5ives: Five things it’s probably better not to do when you’re kind of drunk

Let's add "Put stickers on anything at all" to the list.

posted at 10:37 pm
on Oct. 19, 2004


Pierre Burton demonstrates how to roll a joint well

It's hard to think of a U.S. equivalent. Maybe if David Halberstam did an article about different methods of purchasing and using Viagra without getting a prescription.

posted at 10:03 pm
on Oct. 19, 2004


Why Babies Will Grow Up and Hate Blogs

A superb photo of my friend's lovely baby.

posted at 5:08 pm
on Oct. 19, 2004


Poynter Online - Ten Lousy Listeners And What We Can Learn from Them

A list that I can really identify with, and learn from.

posted at 3:21 pm
on Oct. 18, 2004


Vote on whether a “Law & Order: Criminal Intent” character lives or DIES

More internet fun!

posted at 11:00 pm
on Oct. 16, 2004


See our Pasadena house in this short movie trailer

A Boy on the Bus production

posted at 4:15 pm
on Oct. 15, 2004


Mummified man found in condo two years after death


posted at 3:22 pm
on Oct. 15, 2004


Play this Donkey Kong-style voter game

The music alone is worth the click.

posted at 2:40 pm
on Oct. 15, 2004


An music dance video created with characters fighting in a video game

We'll see a real music video copy this within six months, I predict.

posted at 10:54 am
on Oct. 13, 2004


Democrat Voter Registrations Possibly Trashed by Republican Funded Company

This is juvenile, abhorrent, and probably very effective.

posted at 10:57 pm
on Oct. 12, 2004


many city subway maps, at the same scale

Thanks, Darren Barefoot for the link.

posted at 10:28 pm
on Oct. 12, 2004


How blue staters and red staters can learn to communicate and do business

The cultural differences between, say, Seattle and Galveston can be huge.

posted at 1:35 am
on Oct. 12, 2004


A great picture of a cat

Andy Warhol would be proud.

posted at 1:29 am
on Oct. 12, 2004


The Apple Product Cycle

A humourous masterpiece

posted at 5:37 am
on Oct. 9, 2004


Dialogue Boxes You Should Have Read More Carefully

From the New York Times OpEd Page

posted at 5:28 am
on Oct. 9, 2004


malevole has a better random Text Generator

It's full of '70s and '80s television theme song lyrics.

posted at 5:02 pm
on Oct. 8, 2004


Fly these colors around your screen

Thanks, Good Experience!

posted at 2:20 pm
on Oct. 8, 2004


MSNBC - Cruise ship impales finback whale


posted at 11:22 am
on Oct. 8, 2004


My latest photo album: The Vancouver Apartment

Let me know if this is too much "me," OK?

posted at 12:30 pm
on Oct. 7, 2004



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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