Travis Smith: my resume, bio and photos back to the main blog page

Ad Campaign: Pork. The one you love

It's real. Oh so real.

posted at 10:43 pm
on Feb. 27, 2009


The Gender Problem in Pixar Movies: Where Are the Women?

Dora? Elastigirl? Eve? Jesse? That's pretty much it.

posted at 8:22 pm
on Feb. 26, 2009


later, comics has some beautiful thoughts

comics don't have to be funny -- in Europe.

posted at 7:48 pm
on Feb. 26, 2009


Growing Rich by Blogging Is a High-Tech Fairy Tale

Does that make me a unicorn?

posted at 6:22 pm
on Feb. 26, 2009


The Top 10 Most Preternaturally Beautiful Men

There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion. - Sir Francis Bacon

posted at 3:39 pm
on Feb. 26, 2009


Timelapse: 5 Tibetan monks are making a sand mandala in Vancouver this week

Drop by if you have a chance at the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Garden

posted at 9:54 am
on Feb. 26, 2009


Jeff Jarvis pans Kindle 2 on Twitter. Ouch!

I can't wait to try this in Canada.

posted at 9:20 pm
on Feb. 25, 2009


Joel Spolsky’s Secret to why Start-ups Succeed or Fail

His writing style is better than anything he has to say.

posted at 4:01 pm
on Feb. 25, 2009


Americans watch more than 151 hours of TV a month: an all-time high

That's a hell of a lot. And that's an average. So if you don't watch any, I have to watch *300*.

posted at 3:47 pm
on Feb. 25, 2009


In Canada, Twitter SMSs will cost an extra $0.15 to send AND receive on Bell

Even if you have an all-inclusive SMS plan. What a novel feeling -- to be less pissed at Rogers than at another cell phone company.

posted at 12:22 pm
on Feb. 25, 2009


EMI Music debuts first iTunes Pass with Depeche Mode

Basically, you get all the band's music as it comes out.

posted at 4:59 pm
on Feb. 24, 2009


Excellent Google Maps mashup: 2008 Presidential Election + Demographics overlays

Compare white/black and proximity to Wal*marts to voter preferences. Very cool.

posted at 6:00 pm
on Feb. 23, 2009


GDP in the OECD area fell by 1.5% in Q4: Largest fall since 1960 or earlier

Gross domestic product in the OECD area fell by 1.5% in real terms in the fourth quarter of 2008 compared with the preceding period, the largest quarterly fall since OECD records began in 1960, according to preliminary estimates.

posted at 5:11 pm
on Feb. 23, 2009


This is why you’re fat.

Seriously: bacon wrapped meatloaf.

posted at 4:18 pm
on Feb. 23, 2009


A good photo for duck fetishists

Thanks, Degan.

posted at 3:12 pm
on Feb. 23, 2009


BC Premier Campbell wants to repeal Navigable Waters Protection Act

And insists on calling it the "Navigable Waters Act" -- so Orwellian!

posted at 2:36 pm
on Feb. 23, 2009


Using Expression Engine for Google Site Maps

Good stuff for the developer in me.

posted at 2:10 pm
on Feb. 23, 2009


Hard times: A funeral home deals with many more unclaimed ashes of the dead

So sad. Why aren't bloggers writing more blog entries like this? It's not that hard to do this kind of journalism, and it's so important.

posted at 11:28 am
on Feb. 23, 2009


Beijing’s Olympic building boom becomes a bust

Some experts estimate that more than 100 million square feet of office space is vacant in the city.

posted at 1:10 pm
on Feb. 22, 2009


Touching photo essay: Naming the beams for Dana Farber patients

Naming the beams for Dana Farber patients

posted at 12:21 pm
on Feb. 22, 2009


Two guys meet and hang with Shaq at a diner through using Twitter

The Real Shaq really is -- and the dude tweets.

posted at 9:38 pm
on Feb. 20, 2009


Cartoon: How Social Networks Destroyed the Economy

Funny because I HOPE it's not true.

posted at 9:21 pm
on Feb. 20, 2009


Escape to the island of Quick Divorces

Got burned? Get a tan!

posted at 4:46 pm
on Feb. 19, 2009


Some super cool, creative pillows (bacon, horse head, mac icons, etc.)

The blood stain one is awful.

posted at 3:15 pm
on Feb. 18, 2009


UAE denies tennis star Shahar Peer entry, where she was going to play in the WTA championships

WTA decides to continue with the games anyway. (She's Israeli -- I know there's a lot of story here, it's hard to fit into one headline.)

posted at 2:57 pm
on Feb. 18, 2009


Newest Client: Dirt Du Jour: A gardening community of passionate plant people in Southern California

Fun site to build; I hope it does well.

posted at 2:19 pm
on Feb. 18, 2009


Vancouver city buys out full control of Olympic Village

What's the proper animal metaphor: White elephant? Albatross? Cheshire Cat? Raven? Snuffalufagus?

posted at 12:49 pm
on Feb. 18, 2009


Pug imitating a blender

It's good!

posted at 1:13 am
on Feb. 18, 2009


Skittles-infused Vodka Tutorial


posted at 12:54 am
on Feb. 18, 2009


Chris’s Pictures of Japan

Say, I should post *my* pictures some day!

posted at 2:07 am
on Feb. 17, 2009


Wine Bloggers Conference, July 2009

Nice possibility.

posted at 11:52 am
on Feb. 16, 2009


Woman with record long nails has them broken in car crash

Lee Redmond is expected to live -- in fact, live a little better!

posted at 1:06 am
on Feb. 16, 2009


Dog Parks in Northern Virginia


posted at 9:43 pm
on Feb. 15, 2009


Send a virtual Valentines Day Candy Heart


posted at 2:14 pm
on Feb. 13, 2009


Using JQuery to pass a Variable into an AJAX page load

So you can do something like create a form on the fly. Handy.

posted at 2:43 pm
on Feb. 11, 2009


Authors Guild want to sue you for using Text-to-Speech

My headline is true; the EFF's headline is false and inflamatory -- but the Authors Guild is still poopy heads.

posted at 1:32 pm
on Feb. 11, 2009


‘80s sci-fi classic ‘V’ starts filming in Vancouver next month

Lizards! Oh my!

posted at 11:50 am
on Feb. 11, 2009


Cat vs. Printer video

Worth watching the whole thing.

posted at 11:41 am
on Feb. 11, 2009


Give Up and Use Tables

CSS should take 47 minutes to do, no longer, apparently.

posted at 2:06 am
on Feb. 11, 2009


My brain doesn’t listen - cartoon from explodingdog

It's funny because it's true for EVERYONE.

posted at 5:06 pm
on Feb. 10, 2009


A wandering generality instead of a meaningful specific

Which should you be?

posted at 11:21 am
on Feb. 10, 2009


A Fantastic Roundup of Opinions from Newspaper Luminaries

The folks punditting are: Nicholas Lemann, dean of Columbia Journalism School; Joel Kramer, editor of; Steven Brill, founder of The American Lawyer magazine; Geneva Overholser, Annenberg School of Journalism; Craig Newmark, founder of; Andrew Keen, author; Edward M. Fouhy, founding editor of; Rick Rodriguez, former editor of The Sacramento Bee.

posted at 10:23 am
on Feb. 10, 2009


Darren’s Worn the Same Watch For, Like, Eight Years

This does not surprise me.

posted at 8:23 pm
on Feb. 9, 2009


Folks who make funny punchlines to odd Flickr photos

It's a chuckle.

posted at 1:17 pm
on Feb. 9, 2009


Morgan Freeman Covers Barenaked Ladies’ “One Week”

It's just part of the song, and it's *got* to be an imitator.

posted at 1:13 pm
on Feb. 9, 2009


Article about polyamory in Vancouver

Further proof that Vancouver is the San Francisco of Canada. (And the L.A., but that's another link.)

posted at 11:57 am
on Feb. 9, 2009


Why (and How) I Drink

It's for the children.

posted at 3:04 am
on Feb. 7, 2009


Superb animated music video of a woman sleeping in bed

It's Her Morning Elegance by Oren Lavie

posted at 6:15 pm
on Feb. 6, 2009


Meg Tilly has decided to stop blogging (and using the Internet at all)

"And so today I start the great experiment. When Don gets home I'm going to have him disconnect the Internet from my computer."

posted at 12:50 pm
on Feb. 6, 2009


Interactive Map of Popular Super Bowl Words, on Twitter

Cool. I love the NYT sometimes.

posted at 11:57 am
on Feb. 6, 2009


I know all sorts of things I don’t believe

Interesting Web "comic?" "art project?"

posted at 10:11 am
on Feb. 6, 2009



Thanks for devouring 35 minutes, Wikipedia.

posted at 9:46 am
on Feb. 6, 2009


YouTube - An Engineer’s Guide to Cats

Includes discussion of the cat's aspect ratio. Love it!

posted at 2:20 pm
on Feb. 5, 2009


What Smarties are in America

Not the U.S.'s Favorite Candy, regardless of what the page title says.

posted at 6:38 pm
on Feb. 3, 2009


What Smarties are in Canada

They're like M&Ms.

posted at 6:38 pm
on Feb. 3, 2009


Show Us Your Balls: An AdHack Challenge

posted at 6:31 pm
on Feb. 3, 2009


Elderly Woman Sold a Vacuum Cleaner for $4300

That sucks.

posted at 4:11 pm
on Feb. 3, 2009


Metro Vancouver home sales at lowest point since early 1980s

Time to go shopping?

posted at 3:53 pm
on Feb. 3, 2009


Hans Solo frozen in Guacamole

Just like the script originally called for. The rest of the photos are awesome, too: Pac Man ghosts saying guaca, guaca, guaca, for example.

posted at 1:24 pm
on Feb. 3, 2009


This music video by Wolf Parade about the Modern World is chilling

With the stop-motion paper mache puppets.

posted at 11:07 am
on Feb. 2, 2009


Quispamsis man donates blood for the 500th time

Good job, sir.

posted at 1:51 am
on Feb. 2, 2009


Cost for a baby’s battle against leukemia: $3 million

Unbelievably sad.

posted at 11:31 pm
on Feb. 1, 2009



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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