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posted at 5:19 pm
on Jun. 30, 2006


Doping scandal strips Tour de France of favourites Basso and Ullrich

For a Friday afternoon, there's a ton of interesting news out there. Or maybe I'm bored.

posted at 1:31 pm
on Jun. 30, 2006


Drunk Basketball Player Crashes His SUV While Watching Porn, Wanking

Police drive Minnesota Timberwolves center Eddie Griffin home, don't test him for alcohol. But he's treated no differently than any other citizen, they say. Man, *I* want to live where he lives!

posted at 1:01 pm
on Jun. 30, 2006


Woman earns longest title at the CBC

"Director, Business, Rights and Content Management for News, Current Affairs and Newsworld (‘NCAN’), the Documentary Unit and Factual Entertainment Programming (‘NDF’)."

posted at 12:28 pm
on Jun. 30, 2006


50 ways to become a better designer

1. Design more stuff

posted at 12:58 am
on Jun. 28, 2006


Time Cube: A quick glimpse of crazy


posted at 12:34 pm
on Jun. 27, 2006


Take a trip back to 1997 with this ‘World’s LARGEST Links Page’

The joy isn't in the sites it links to, it's in the list itself. Read them out loud for maximum disbelief.

posted at 12:20 am
on Jun. 27, 2006


Try the Canadian Citizenship Practice Test

I got 8 out of 9 questions right. The British North American act continues its Grade 8 Social Studies tradition of being my downfall.

posted at 11:29 pm
on Jun. 26, 2006


Vancouver is *NOT* one of the 50 most expensive cities in the world

Moscow, however, is number 1. Huh?

posted at 1:30 pm
on Jun. 26, 2006


Summer of Green: An odd little Google project

It's a flash-based guide to environmental hotels in the U.S.

posted at 12:57 pm
on Jun. 26, 2006


What exactly is the law about drinking your own alcohol onboard an airplane?

Announcement: "Federal Regulations prohibit the consumption of any alcoholic beverages you may have brought on board with you." True? Not exactly: "No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him."

posted at 2:08 pm
on Jun. 25, 2006


Classic Movies It’s Okay To Hate

I love The Onion A.V. Club, The Onion's older, uglier sister.

posted at 1:21 am
on Jun. 25, 2006


Don’t F*** With Love: An animated pop-up book

It's interesting, but ends a little short. I wanted more.

posted at 10:17 am
on Jun. 24, 2006


Work Industries - A Quick Guide to Reading Webstats

It's so concise, you won't believe how encompassing it is.

posted at 1:54 pm
on Jun. 23, 2006


Hitler cats!

It's a blog. Look, do I really need to explain this? Just go look!

posted at 12:42 am
on Jun. 23, 2006


Hot Stays Hot, Cool Stays Cool: This was a McDonald’s ad?

This video commercial from the '80s 'stars' Jason Alexander from Seinfeld. Thanks, Mike!

posted at 8:39 pm
on Jun. 21, 2006


My Flickr Pool (Don’t Eat That) just reached 1,500 photos

I'm so proud!

posted at 5:52 pm
on Jun. 21, 2006


In your life, what do you regret most?

This link will become a full blog post, but this is a reminder and a starter thought...

posted at 12:52 am
on Jun. 21, 2006


The L.A. Times censors its own reporters’ Web access

The thing I find more shocking than the censorship, is the fact that L.A. Times reporters haven't spoken up to protest this.

posted at 11:03 am
on Jun. 20, 2006


Cybele May’s Candy Blog is featured in the National Post

And they mentioned Hop Studios!

posted at 10:20 am
on Jun. 19, 2006


David LaChapelle’s MAC makeup ad (NSFW)

This video puts the 'F' in "effin' freaky!"

posted at 1:49 am
on Jun. 18, 2006


Sen. Arlen Specter caught lying about spying

What a dirt bag.

posted at 1:12 am
on Jun. 18, 2006


The History of VanDigiCam

by maven Rachael

posted at 10:31 am
on Jun. 17, 2006


How better to spend $320 billion (hint; not on Iraq)?

I'd start by giving $100 back to every person in America. I'd still have $291 billion left.

posted at 12:13 am
on Jun. 16, 2006


Finally: A coffee commercial admits that some people don’t like mornings

Foldgers: Present company definitely included.

posted at 10:50 am
on Jun. 14, 2006


This month’s Metroblogging Meetup: Memphis on Commercial, June 20th

Be there, or avoid gout. It's your choice.

posted at 3:37 am
on Jun. 13, 2006


Today is World Wide Knit in Public Day

I will be a witness, if not a participant.

posted at 10:38 pm
on Jun. 9, 2006


Magic Castle Illusion: Is it black and white, or color?

Stare at the dot, then mouse over the picture.

posted at 11:56 pm
on Jun. 7, 2006


No online video has made me smile as much as this one has

Mentos + Diet Coke + lab coats = happy fun time

posted at 2:51 pm
on Jun. 7, 2006


All the Photoshop splash screens (Adobe Space Monkey?)

I found this because my Photoshop suddenly became "Adobe Space Monkey" today. How odd.

posted at 1:04 pm
on Jun. 7, 2006


He’s going a week eating nothing but dried monkey food

Not dried monkeys: dried food for monkeys. Let's see if he can be goaded into going for two weeks!

posted at 12:32 am
on Jun. 7, 2006


Shred of the Month

My favorite, the mattresses; though shredding a BMW was pretty cool, too.

posted at 11:21 pm
on Jun. 6, 2006


I share a birthday with Bree

Beware the ides of October...

posted at 10:55 pm
on Jun. 6, 2006


Inner Neighborhood Services: Look out for the INS

Funny (true?) story.

posted at 10:48 pm
on Jun. 6, 2006


A Montage of Perfect Strangers, physical comedy restrospective

This one's for you, Virginia.

posted at 3:10 am
on Jun. 6, 2006


Google to Release Web-Based Spreadsheet

I predicted this (online shared spreadsheets with simultaneous editing) in 2005.

posted at 11:20 pm
on Jun. 5, 2006


Digital paintbrush lets you paint on a digital screen with video, and real-life patterns

Painting with M&Ms is really cool. I'd like to see it paint with goldfish.

posted at 1:02 pm
on Jun. 2, 2006


frames around red and black boxes—a 120-second diversion

Or longer, don't let my ADD be your yardstick.

posted at 12:56 pm
on Jun. 2, 2006


Metroblogging Vancouver: The secret life of utility poles

Totally interesting code.

posted at 1:01 pm
on Jun. 1, 2006


best of craigslist : Why You’re Not Getting Any And How to Fix it

True for any guy.

posted at 11:40 am
on Jun. 1, 2006



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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