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Understanding nuclear weapons: a short comic strip

The true devastation is not in being bombed, but in owning the bombs.

posted at 4:48 pm
on Feb. 27, 2010


Onion news update: Olympic athletes hoping to exchange bent-up medals for normal ones

Ah, Onion. You speak truth to power.

posted at 3:20 pm
on Feb. 27, 2010


NYTimes Video: Olympic Pictograms since 1936 - a must-watch for any graphic designer

Vancouver's iconography gets savaged. Beijing gets the gold.

posted at 11:29 am
on Feb. 26, 2010


This ad from Puma has English guys singing Savage Garden’s Truly Madly Deeply in a pub

It's oddly touching. And a reminder that everyone can sing in a big enough crowd.

posted at 5:08 pm
on Feb. 25, 2010


Sale of Hummer brand to China collapses; GM starts final closure of mfctr. Buh-bye, Hummer jokes!

It's going to get harder and harder for a guy to get a Hummer now.

posted at 11:49 am
on Feb. 25, 2010


Tom Brokaw video explains the relationship between Canada and The United States

6 minutes that reminded me: there has never in the history of the world been a closer or more productive overall relationship between two neighbouring countries.

posted at 4:09 pm
on Feb. 24, 2010


Spontaneous choreographed dancing breaks out in Vancouver

Great flash mob on Robson street last week. Wish I'd known about it!

posted at 3:50 pm
on Feb. 24, 2010


“At Google Buzz, we were met with unexpected backlash, which is odd, because we can kill you.”

Great funny fake video of Google's spokesman about Buzz.

posted at 4:09 pm
on Feb. 23, 2010


After selling 970,000 copies of it, Apple has banned Wobble from the App Store

Which means we'll never see that 1,000,000th stupid picture of someone's jiggly faux-breasts. Apple, your policies are DUMB. It was already an over-17 only app!

posted at 3:30 pm
on Feb. 19, 2010


Internet services from a little man who walks out and talks to you on the screen

I know how we're going to redo the Hop Web site... 😊

posted at 10:56 am
on Feb. 19, 2010


Play the “100 Game Cupcakes” Game on Flickr

Super amusing. And delicious.

posted at 1:25 am
on Feb. 18, 2010


Post-Valentine’s picture essay: The One Who Got Away

The stories are as good as the pictures, which is to say, great.

posted at 11:58 am
on Feb. 17, 2010


Travis Smith’s XBox Live gamertag is NepInDaHouse

Just in case you were wondering back in 2008.

posted at 3:35 pm
on Feb. 15, 2010


Bing Maps, integrated with Flickr Photos, of Vancouver street scenes.  Futuristic. Stunning.

Truly a "we're living in the future" moment.

posted at 9:08 pm
on Feb. 13, 2010


Director Kevin Smith got thrown off a @SouthwestAir flight for being a “safety risk” (i.e. too fat!)

I not only think it's a bad idea to throw famous people off your plane, but I also think he's not THAT large. What a boneheaded move!

posted at 6:59 pm
on Feb. 13, 2010


Google’s new Buzz service opens a very big privacy hole by revealing some of your Gmail address book

Basically, by using your Gmail address list to automatically form the core of your public "buzz" network, they exposed who you email most often. Which may not be people you want to be publicly associated with.

posted at 3:36 pm
on Feb. 13, 2010


Georgian athlete killed in luge sled crash during Olympic practice run

Training runs are suspended; he hit an unpadded metal pole. This is ... bad.

posted at 1:43 pm
on Feb. 12, 2010


Google Acquires Aardvark - This is a seemingly small purchase that will mean big things

If you haven't tried Aardvark, give it a whirl. I'm on it.

posted at 1:40 pm
on Feb. 11, 2010


Bottle of champagne takes 25 years to arrive in the mail

Glad it wasn't a ham!

posted at 11:31 am
on Feb. 11, 2010


Funny video of a trick with an invisible piece of hair

Made me laugh.

posted at 12:15 am
on Feb. 11, 2010


NYT article about Canada’s Quest for Gold

Go team.

posted at 3:53 am
on Feb. 10, 2010


Google Adds 130 More Canadian Cities To Maps, Including Whistler via Snowmobile

At long last, if you want to see Drumheller, you don't have to go to Drumheller.

posted at 5:29 pm
on Feb. 9, 2010


This blog has funney examples of Google’s auto complete search suggestions

Why *do* midgets laugh when they run, Google?

posted at 11:24 am
on Feb. 9, 2010


Gowalla now has an API

Let the games begin.

posted at 11:24 am
on Feb. 9, 2010


More pediatricians are refusing to care for children whose parents won’t let them be vaccinated

Interesting ethical question: Can a doctor refuse to treat someone who won't take her or his advice?

posted at 10:20 am
on Feb. 9, 2010


SEcond best use of side scrolling ever: Vans and the places where they were.

A great collection of photos, and a great photo collection.

posted at 2:47 pm
on Feb. 8, 2010


Here’s the best list I’ve found of the venues of free Vancouver 2010 Olympic Events

The Swiss House and the Russian Tall Ship sound particularly cool.

posted at 10:47 am
on Feb. 7, 2010


Compared to 20 years ago, these are The Days of Miracles and Wonder

A great blog post.

posted at 4:38 pm
on Feb. 5, 2010


TechCrunch Intern Takes a Computer Bribe in Exchange for a Blog Post

I think the real story here is: A single post on TechCrunch is worth a computer? Like, a Macbook Air even? Woah.

posted at 4:21 pm
on Feb. 5, 2010



“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

...who said it?

“Almost every American I know does trade large portions of his life for entertainment, hour by weeknight hour, binge by Saturday binge, Facebook check by Facebook check. I’m one of them. In the course of writing this I’ve watched all 13 episodes of House of Cards and who knows how many more West Wing episodes, and I’ve spent any number of blurred hours falling down internet rabbit holes. All instead of reading, or writing, or working, or spending real time with people I love.”

...who said it?

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

...who said it?

“I play with variables constantly.”

...who said it?

“Only the person who has learned Continual Love coming from a heart of Gratitude/Worship can effectively deal with the problem of loneliness.”

...who said it?

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